Protecting Our Children: The Case for Reduced Speed Limits around Schools

…By Judah Olanisebee for TDPel Media. Urgent Call for 20mph Speed Limits near Schools to Protect Children


Safety First: The Need for Reduced Speed Limits

Road safety charity Brake emphasizes the importance of implementing 20mph speed limits near schools to prevent child fatalities and severe injuries.

The charity asserts that reducing speed limits is a life-saving measure.

Alarming Statistics Highlight the Issue

Recent data from the Department for Transport reveals a distressing figure of 2,456 children under the age of 16 who were either killed or seriously injured on British roads last year.

While many local councils have already established 20mph zones around schools, Brake points out that a significant number of parents report higher speed limits on roads near their children’s schools.


A Local Example and the Call for Action

Brake highlights Dropmore Infant School in Buckinghamshire, where nearby roads have speed limits of up to 60mph and lack pavements.

Headteacher Gitta Streete has been advocating for a reduction to 20mph for years.

Incidents like a passing car taking off a parent’s car door underscore the potential danger to children, parents, and caregivers.

A comprehensive speed reduction system, including a 20mph limit outside the school and safe pedestrian areas, is urgently needed.

Local Authorities and Road Safety Responsibility

Buckinghamshire Council’s cabinet member for transport, Steven Broadbent, assures that road safety is a top priority and acknowledges the concerns regarding Dropmore.

Collaboration with schools is crucial to ensuring safe journeys for students.


Brake’s campaigns manager, Lucy Straker, emphasizes that this situation is not unique to Dropmore and calls for greater support from local councils and decision-makers in making roads near schools safer.

Acting Now to Prevent Tragedies

Brake questions the necessity of waiting for a child’s fatality before taking action.

Studies indicate that excessive speed contributes to about a quarter of fatal crashes, as the impact increases with higher speeds.

A crash at 30mph has twice the kinetic energy of a crash at 20mph. Lowering speed limits saves lives.

Brake advocates for 20mph speed limits around every school, coupled with other measures to effectively reduce traffic speed, ensuring the safety of children and their families on their daily commute.

Mobilizing for Change: Brake’s Kids Walk

Brake’s Kids Walk initiative, involving more than 700 schools and nurseries, encourages group walks and promotes safe and healthy journeys free from traffic fears.


Their efforts aim to raise awareness and inspire action.

Notably, the Welsh Government will introduce a default 20mph limit on residential roads and busy pedestrian streets, making Wales a trailblazer in this legislation.

Collaboration and Responsibility

The Local Government Association’s transport spokesperson, Linda Taylor, stresses the importance of individual councils tailoring measures based on local needs, considering the perspectives of schools, police, and residents.

Adhering to speed limits is vital for the safety of children and parents alike.


The urgent need to protect children on their way to school is evident in the call for 20mph speed limits near educational institutions.

Brake’s campaign emphasizes the significance of reduced speed in saving lives and preventing tragedies.


The collective effort of local authorities, schools, and communities is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of children as they travel to and from school.

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