Fiennes and Varma’s Macbeth Production Marred by Audience Faintings

Curse of Macbeth Returns

The infamous curse of the ‘Scottish play’ resurfaced during the opening week of Ralph Fiennes and Indira Varma’s rendition of Macbeth in Liverpool.

The highly anticipated play encountered unsettling incidents as audience members collapsed, halting the performance midway through the first act.

Unfortunate Incidents Unfold

During the initial half of the play, one audience member collapsed, prompting the production to pause. As the show resumed, another individual fainted inside the theatre, causing further disruption.

According to a spokesperson for the production, both individuals had pre-existing conditions that led to their fainting spells. Fortunately, they recovered and were later invited back to witness a full performance.

Witness Testimony

An eyewitness recounted the distressing scene, mentioning the warmth within the theatre and the initial assumption that the collapse might have been due to the heat. Medical attention was swiftly provided, with paramedics attending to the affected person.

The director addressed the audience, briefing them on the situation and indicating modifications in the play due to the incident.

Actors and Play Details

Ralph Fiennes, known for his roles in the Harry Potter series, and Indira Varma, famous for her portrayal of Ellaria Sand in Game of Thrones, lead the play as Lord and Lady Macbeth.

Directed by Simon Godwin, the production commenced on November 28 in Liverpool and is scheduled for showings in Edinburgh, London, and Washington after its Liverpool run.

The Macbeth Curse and Its Legacy

Macbeth has long been associated with a curse, with actors and productions facing misfortunes and injuries.

The curse, believed to bring bad luck to productions, has led to incidents ranging from injuries to historic riots and is a superstition deeply ingrained in theatrical lore.

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