President mourns loss of life in Impala Platinum Mine tragedy

President mourns loss of life in Impala Platinum Mine tragedy

South Africa – Wednesday, November 29, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his sadness at the death of 11 mineworkers at Impala Platinum Mine Shaft 11, in Rustenburg in the North West .

Several other miners were injured on Monday afternoon when they were being hoisted up to surface level when the conveyance they were in, suddenly started descending rapidly .

“The President offers his deep condolences to the families of the deceased mineworkers .

“The President extends his thoughts to the management and staff of Implats and wishes the injured workers, especially those who are in critical care, a full recovery,” the Presidency said in a statement on Wednesday .

President Ramaphosa has called on all stakeholders to assist the Chief Inspector of Mines in the investigation that will be undertaken in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act .

According to the Presidency, this process is vital to protecting mineworkers in line with the industry’s Zero Harm objectives and enabling operational continuity in mines .

Meanwhile, Mineral Resources and Energy Minister, Gwede Mantashe, has assured that his department will investigate the accident .

Mantashe visited the mine on Tuesday following the accident .

-SAnews .

gov .


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