Power outage for Thembalethu Districts on Thursday

Power outage for Thembalethu Districts on Thursday

On Thursday, the George Municipality announced a planned power outage in numerous districts of Thembalethu.
The power outage will take place on February 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. due to electrical mains changes.
Silvertown and a part of Hansmoeskraal are among the locations that will be impacted.

“Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.
“Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on Friday 11 February from 09:00 to 16:00.”


  • Cordless phones, including NBN phones, won’t operate without mains power, so we recommend an alternative phone.
  • Power fluctuations may occur when power is restored, so it’s helpful to unplug sensitive appliances such as computers and TVs to reduce the risk of damage.
  • Unplug electric heaters or air conditioners, so they are off when power is restored.
  • Adjust your fridge and freezer to the coldest setting.
  • If you have solar panels, check your system is back on after the outage. Not all solar inverters will switch back on automatically after a power outage.
  • If you have automatic garage doors or security gates, make sure you know how to operate them manually or leave your car parked outside.
  • Leave a light on inside your house, so you know when power is restored.
  • Alarm systems, lifts, and escalators may not operate during the power outage or may need to be reprogrammed once power is restored.
  • If you don’t have a backup battery, you may like to consult with your service provider or investigate the use of a generator.
  • You may need to reset reticulation timers after the outage.

World News