Poison-Resistant Rats Overrun UK Homes, Pest Control Experts Sound Alarm

…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. According to Mark Moseley, an expert from Pestgone and a former contestant on The Apprentice, homes across the UK are being invaded by large rats that have developed resistance to common poisons.


Moseley attributes this increase in rat activity to two main factors.

Firstly, the growing population in the country leads to more waste, providing an abundance of food for rats.

Secondly, the fatty foods consumed by humans, such as chips and microwave dinners, are contributing to the rats’ increasing weight.

The Role of Bird Feeders and Foxes

In an intriguing twist, Moseley explains that the practice of feeding pigeons in gardens has unintended consequences.

Rats are drawn to the bird food, which, in turn, attracts foxes that prey on rats.

This cycle perpetuates the rat problem, as they continue to find ample sources of food.


Identifying Rat Infestations and Nesting Habits

Rentokil, a pest control company, highlights some key signs of a brown rat infestation, including dark brown droppings in a tapered, spindle shape resembling grains of rice.

Gnaw marks, shredded loft insulation, and cardboard used for nests are also indicative of their presence.

While rats typically nest in burrows, they can also be found in lofts, attics, under eaves, and even in cavity walls.

Advice for Prevention and Detection

Homeowners are advised to inspect their lofts, attics, and spaces behind appliances for any signs of rat activity.

Additionally, checking under decking, along edges, and in sheds, garages, compost bins, vegetation, and drains can help identify potential infestation sites.

As rats are currently more visible during the heatwave due to their search for water, this serves as an opportune time to detect their presence.

Eliminating Rat Infestations

Pest control experts employ poison bait to eliminate rat infestations, but it typically takes several feedings before the rats are affected.

The rodents are initially suspicious of new objects, including the bait.


The process may take up to seven days before rats start feeding on the bait.

It’s important to note that female rats can live for up to two years and produce up to 60 offspring annually on their own.

As the invasion of poison-resistant rats intensifies across the UK, homeowners are urged to be vigilant, inspect their properties regularly, and seek professional pest control assistance to combat this growing problem.


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About the Author:

Lola Smith is a highly experienced writer and journalist with over 25 years of experience in the field. Her special interest lies in journalistic writeups, where she can utilize her skills and knowledge to bring important stories to the public eye. Lola’s dedication to her craft is unparalleled, and she writes with passion and precision, ensuring that her articles are informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. She lives in New York, USA.

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