Pastoral Dispute – Bishop Takes Action Against Priests and Parish

In a significant ecclesiastical development, Bishop John Iffert has taken decisive action against two priests, accusing them of maintaining theological errors and refusing to renounce them.

The repercussions of this decision extend to their eligibility to celebrate sacraments using the 1962 Missale Romanum and to lead Our Lady of Lourdes, a personal parish.

Bishop’s Statement on the Disqualification:

Expressing the gravity of his decision, Bishop Iffert clarifies that disqualifying the priests from public celebration of sacraments and parish leadership was not done lightly.

He emphasizes a thorough consultation process involving the vicar general, deans, judicial vicar, and fellow bishops before arriving at this course of action.

Pastoral and Liturgical Care Challenges:

Bishop Iffert conveys his intention to ensure the pastoral and liturgical care of the affected parish, Our Lady of Lourdes.

However, he acknowledges existing obstacles, particularly the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist’s ownership of the parish building.

Notably, the Missionaries are reportedly unwilling to grant access to the diocese or the parish.

Exploring Alternative Locations:

In response to the challenges, the bishop reveals ongoing efforts to identify alternative locations for the liturgies of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

This indicates a commitment to maintaining the spiritual life of the parish despite the current complications.

Communication to the Parish:

Addressing the parish directly, Bishop Iffert assures them of his constant prayers as he endeavors to resolve the difficulties and provide authentic pastoral leadership.

The communication implies a sense of responsibility and concern for the spiritual well-being of the parishioners during this challenging period.

Parish’s Announcement:

The parish’s official website communicates the immediate impact of Bishop Iffert’s decision, stating a suspension of public Masses, confessions, and other sacramental rituals at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Park Hills.

This restriction is attributed to the bishop’s directive and is expected to endure until further notice.


The clash between the bishop and the priests, along with the ensuing restrictions on the parish, underscores a complex ecclesiastical situation.

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