Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s Ground-Breaking Crusade in Kenya: A Gathering of Unity, Faith, and Transformation

Day 1: A Gathering of Unity and Faith

On the first day of the “Crusade in Kenya with Pastor Evelyn Joshua,” thousands of people from all over the world poured into the Kasarani Moi International Stadium in Nairobi. The atmosphere was electric, with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation.

The day began with a prelude of songs of praise and testimonies of faith. Renowned artists Christina Shusho and Zaza Mokhethi set the stage ablaze with their soul-stirring performances, and attendees were moved by the powerful testimonies of healing and transformation that were shared.

Following the testimonies, Pastor Evelyn Joshua took the stage to deliver a sermon titled “Praying Without Ceasing.” Drawing lessons from the biblical story of Daniel, she encouraged the congregation to never give up on prayer, even in the midst of difficult challenges.

The sermon was followed by a riveting prayer and deliverance session, led by Pastor Evelyn Joshua and other SCOAN ministers. The stadium reverberated with the voices of people crying out to God, and there were many manifestations of faith, with people being liberated from demonic possession and healed of diverse infirmities.

Day 2: Furtherance of God’s Will

The second day of the crusade began with another beautiful musical interlude by Christina Shusho. This was followed by a sermon by SCOAN Evangelist Opeyemi, who exhorted the crowd to “Show Your Faith.” Drawing lessons from the story of the paralytic man who was healed by Jesus Christ in Mark 2:1-5, Evangelist Opeyemi emphasized the importance of unwavering belief in the face of adversity.

More striking testimonies from people who had experienced healing and transformation from the SCOAN ministry were shared, serving as a powerful reminder of the power of faith.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua then took the stage to deliver her final sermon of the crusade, titled “The Victory – Our Faith.” In her message, she underscored the role of prayer in preserving faith in a world beset by trials and temptations.

She also charged African leaders to work together in unity of purpose and reposition themselves in order to realize the full potential and dignity of the Continent.

Beyond Evangelism

In addition to her spiritual ministry, Pastor Evelyn Joshua is also passionate about community development and environmental sustainability.

During her visit to Kenya, she supported the Ministry of Environment’s efforts to promote the preservation of nature by planting 20,000 trees across different forests in the country.

She also visited a remote village of the Kenyan Masai people to provide food stuff, clean water, a donation of $25,000, and other basic needs. This act of charity exemplified her commitment to blessing the less privileged and making a positive impact on the lives of others.


The “Crusade in Kenya with Pastor Evelyn Joshua” was a truly remarkable event that brought together people from all walks of life for a spiritual experience that would stay with them long after the event had ended.

The crusade was also a testament to Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s commitment to promoting unity, faith, and transformation, both in Kenya and beyond.

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