Ongoing Battle: ‘Serial Squatter’ Refuses to Leave Los Angeles Residence

Ongoing Battle: ‘Serial Squatter’ Refuses to Leave Los Angeles Residence

‘Serial Squatter’ Refuses to Vacate Los Angeles Guesthouse

Lengthy Dispute Between Tenant and Landlord

Legal Battles, Safety Concerns, and Seeking Compensation

This news piece by Harriet Alexander, published on October 20, 2023, provides an intriguing account of a protracted conflict between a tenant and a landlord in Los Angeles.

The narrative revolves around Elizabeth Hirschhorn, who, according to reports, has established a pattern of prolonged stays in various rental properties, sparking disputes and legal battles.

Locksmiths were spotted at a Los Angeles home on Thursday, where a woman, described as a ‘serial squatter,’ has taken up residence since 2021 and is adamantly refusing to leave.

Elizabeth Hirschhorn, a 55-year-old scriptwriter, first moved into the guesthouse of Sascha Jovanovic’s Brentwood residence in September 2021.

Her initial arrangement was through Airbnb, with a six-month rental period for which she paid $20,793.

While the landlord, Sascha Jovanovic, agreed to extend her stay for an additional month, Hirschhorn has since refused to vacate the property.

The dispute escalated into a legal battle, and Airbnb has stated that they are not legally responsible for the conflict since the extension was arranged directly between the two parties.

Hirschhorn has raised various arguments to support her refusal to leave.

She cited safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic and claimed that the rental property did not meet Los Angeles city regulations.

In her latest legal maneuver, she is demanding $100,000 from Jovanovic in exchange for her departure.

Locksmiths were called to the Brentwood property, though the reason for their presence remains unclear.

Jovanovic expressed his discomfort, describing Hirschhorn as ‘hostile’ and admitting that he no longer feels safe in his own home.

Jovanovic has faced various challenges, including police complaints about noise from Hirschhorn and allegations of blocking access to her mail.

The ongoing presence of the ‘serial squatter’ in close proximity to his family’s living space has caused him significant distress.

Legal representatives on both sides have made strong statements.

Hirschhorn’s attorney, Colin Walshok, accuses the landlord of initially renting out an illegal unit.

In response, Sebastian Rucci, representing Jovanovic, labels Hirschhorn ‘the tenant from hell’ and highlights the potential implications of allowing tenants to stay in unpermitted properties without paying rent.

Hirschhorn’s previous rental disputes and financial conflicts were also revealed.

These include a situation in Oakland, California, where she cited COVID-19 concerns and remained in the property despite disputes and legal actions.

She also settled a dispute over an unpaid $19,000 American Express credit card bill but contested her full liability.

This real-life saga is reminiscent of various legal dramas and highlights the challenges landlords can face when dealing with tenants who refuse to vacate properties, even after the expiration of rental agreements.

Elizabeth Hirschhorn’s recurring disputes and legal actions add layers of complexity to her ongoing conflict with Sascha Jovanovic.

The locksmiths’ involvement hints at the enduring nature of this dispute and the difficulties faced by both parties in finding a resolution.
