Obasanjo Not In GOOD MOOD As Angry Hoodlums Raze His 139 Hectares Mango Farm

Obasanjo Not In GOOD MOOD As Angry Hoodlums Raze His 139 Hectares Mango Farm

A mango plantation in the Howe community of the Gwer East Local Government Area of Benue State, which was reportedly owned by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, has been destroyed by suspected hoodlums, according to reports.
It was reported that the 140- hectare farm was set ablaze over disagreements with locals for compensation on the land which was belonged to the state government, according to reports.
The incident took place on a Saturday in the afternoon.
However, the Chairman of the Gwer East Local Government, Emmanuel Ortega, who confirmed the incident, stated that it was a deliberate act by hoodlums who set fire to the farm.
Ortega went on to say that four people had been arrested in connection with the fire, and that investigations were still ongoing to apprehend additional perpetrators.
His statement read, ” The fire on the 139 hectares farm was started at about 2 pm on Saturday by hoodlums and nearly half of it is gone. It was clearly a sabotage.
” It was strange that there was a fire outbreak in the farm because the farm was properly safeguarded, so it was obvious that it was sabotage.
” We summoned a meeting of stakeholders and leaders over the matter to fish out the perpetrators and by the grace of God we have already apprehended four persons and investigation is still ongoing to fish out more culprits. ”
The incident was also confirmed by the Director of the State Fire Service, Donald Ikyaaza, and the Police Public Relations Officer, SP, Catherine Anene, both of whom were present

World News