Criteria for the Award
The criteria for this prestigious award are multifaceted. To be considered, nominees must exhibit a bold vision, be distinctly Catholic in their approach, demonstrate innovative use of Church property, fulfill the concept of the “highest and best use” of Church property, and maintain a focus on scale and sustainability.
Selection Process
A panel of experts responsible for the selection process comprises academics, community leaders, and various representatives. Notre Dame’s official website provides insights into the selection committee’s composition.
Submission Details
Submissions are currently open and will be accepted until September 15. Interested parties can find the application form on the website. The winner will be publicly announced during the Church Properties Initiative’s Fall Conference scheduled for October 29-31, 2023.
Eligibility and Diversity of Applicants
The award is open to a wide range of applicants, including individuals, groups, laity, clergy, organizations, and dioceses. Notre Dame has emphasized inclusivity in welcoming diverse applicants for consideration.
Projects at Various Stages Welcome
Applicants have the flexibility to submit a wide spectrum of proposals. Whether it’s an idea still on the drawing board, an ongoing project, or a completed initiative, all are welcome.
Purpose of the Award
The primary goal of this award is to acknowledge and expedite the efforts of individuals or organizations that align with the Church Properties Initiative (CPI) and MDKeller’s outstanding innovation, stewardship, and community impact through the effective utilization of Church-owned properties. This recognition aims to celebrate and support those who contribute to the betterment of the community through their creative use of Church resources.
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