Denise Huskins’ Abduction Fallout: Vallejo Police Department’s Yelp Ratings Plummet Amidst ‘American Nightmare’ Controversy

Denise Huskins’ Abduction Fallout: Vallejo Police Department’s Yelp Ratings Plummet Amidst ‘American Nightmare’ Controversy


The Vallejo Police Department in California finds itself under intense scrutiny following the release of the Netflix docuseries ‘American Nightmare.’

Negative reviews flooded the police department’s Yelp page, shedding light on the mishandling of the kidnapping and rape case of Denise Huskins in 2015.

Kidnapping Branded as Hoax:

Denise Huskins, abducted and assaulted in Vallejo, California, saw her traumatic experience dismissed as a hoax by the Vallejo Police Department.

Detective Mathew Mustard, alongside Chief of Police Andrew Bijou, pushed the narrative that Huskins and her boyfriend Aaron Quinn concocted the entire incident. This controversial stance is now the epicenter of online criticism.

Social Media Backlash:

The police department’s Yelp page became a battleground for furious comments, with users expressing disbelief and anger over the mishandling of the Huskins case.

Accusations of misogyny and incompetence were directed at Detective Mathew Mustard, calling into question his suitability for the role.

Disabled Yelp Comments:

In response to the avalanche of negative reviews, Vallejo Police Department’s Yelp page disabled comments, citing the need to investigate whether the feedback accurately represents consumer experiences.

The move has further fueled the controversy and drawn attention to the department’s handling of public feedback.

Detective Mustard’s Controversial Statements:

Detective Mathew Mustard faced not only criticism for his lack of action but also for inflammatory remarks.

Statements such as suggesting sexually abused women “often pretend to have it happen again so they can relive the thrill of it” have intensified the public’s outrage.

Promotions Amidst Criticism:

The comments reveal public frustration over Mustard’s promotions despite his questionable handling of the case.

He was promoted twice, raising eyebrows, especially after Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn won a $2.5 million payout in a defamation lawsuit against the police.

The Ordeal and Subsequent Capture:

Denise Huskins’ abduction involved being drugged, raped, and driven nearly 500 miles away before being released. The police initially suspected Quinn, contributing to the belief that the entire incident was a hoax.

The real perpetrator, Matthew Muller, a disbarred lawyer, was eventually caught and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Aftermath and Family:

Despite the traumatic incident, Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn went on to marry and build a family, welcoming their first child in 2020 and their second in 2022.

The Netflix series sheds light on the deep flaws in the Vallejo Police Department’s approach, leading to public outrage and a wave of negative reviews.

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