Neptune’s Clouds Evaporate as Solar Cycle Influence Surfaces


Neptune, the distant ice giant and eighth planet in our solar system, has long been recognized for its distinctive trails of wispy white clouds composed of frozen methane crystals.

These clouds are propelled by powerful winds, reaching speeds of over 1,200 mph—making them the fastest observed in the solar system.

In a surprising development, these iconic clouds have now nearly disappeared, a phenomenon that initially puzzled scientists.

However, recent research has revealed a connection between the vanishing clouds and the sun’s 11-year solar cycle.

A team of astronomers from the University of California, Berkeley, led a study published in the journal Icarus, shedding light on this phenomenon.


They analyzed images from the Hubble Space Telescope spanning back to 1994.

This comprehensive investigation uncovered that Neptune’s cloud cover follows a pattern in relation to the sun’s position in its solar cycle.

The rapid disappearance of Neptune’s clouds astonished researchers.

“I was surprised by how quickly clouds disappeared on Neptune,” remarked Imke de Pater, emeritus professor of astronomy at UC Berkeley.

The cloud activity diminished within a matter of months.


This ice giant planet, which boasts a composition of water, methane, and ammonia referred to as “ices,” features distinctive swirling clouds in its upper atmosphere.

These clouds reflect various colors under sunlight, giving them their characteristic white appearance.

NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft provided the first close-up images of these clouds in 1989, revealing their resemblance to cirrus clouds on Earth.

With its teal- and cobalt-colored bands of clouds, Neptune presented a blue-toned sibling to Jupiter and Saturn.

The research team analyzed data from various observatories, including California’s Lick Observatory and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, spanning from 1994 to 2022.


This extensive data analysis disclosed that the clouds, predominantly present at the planet’s mid-latitudes, began to fade in 2019, and since then, they have not returned to their former state.

Only the south pole retains cloud activity.

A surprising correlation emerged between the disappearing clouds and the solar cycle.

Despite Neptune’s considerable distance from the sun, receiving only a minute fraction of the sunlight Earth does, the researchers noted that cloud activity increased two years after the peak of the solar cycle.

This connection suggests that the sun’s UV rays might trigger a photochemical reaction leading to the formation of Neptune’s clouds.


Furthermore, a positive correlation was identified between the number of clouds and the planet’s brightness due to sunlight reflection.

When Neptune’s reflectivity hit a historic low in 2020, most of the clouds dissipated.

These findings challenge the conventional understanding of Neptune’s cloudy weather, implying that it is more influenced by solar activity than the planet’s own seasons.

The research team concludes that their data provides the strongest evidence yet of the correlation between cloud coverage and the solar cycle.

They also emphasize the need for continued observations of Neptune to determine the duration of its current cloudless state.


This research not only enhances our understanding of Neptune but also contributes to our comprehension of exoplanets—planets outside our solar system.

Given that exoplanets often exhibit Neptune-like characteristics, this study sheds light on potential cloud behavior on distant worlds.

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