Labour-Lib Dem rift deepens as parties dispute role in Mid Bedfordshire win

The newly formed alliance between the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties has been thrown into disarray after the Lib Dems claimed credit for Labour’s victory in the Mid Bedfordshire by-election.

Labour figures have accused the Lib Dems of running a divisive campaign that could damage the chances of defeating the Conservatives in the next general election.

The Lib Dems have insisted that they played a crucial role in the victory by persuading “lifelong Conservatives” to switch sides.

However, Labour has dismissed this claim, arguing that the Lib Dems’ efforts were counterproductive and that their candidate had no chance of winning.

The squabbling between the two parties is a setback for their attempts to present a united front against the Conservatives. It also raises questions about the future of their cooperation in other parts of the country.

Lib-Lab pact in disarray

The fledgling Lib-Lab pact has descended into chaos after the Lib Dems claimed credit for Labour’s victory in the Mid Bedfordshire by-election.

Lib Dems claim credit for victory

Lib Dem deputy leader Daisy Cooper insisted that the party played a “crucial role” in the victory by taking the votes of “lifelong Conservatives” in villages who would not have switched to Labour.

Labour hits back

Shadow minister Peter Kyle dismissed the Lib Dems’ claim, arguing that their candidate had no chance of winning and that their efforts were counterproductive.

Squabbling damages unity

The squabbling between the two parties is a setback for their attempts to present a united front against the Conservatives.

Questions about future cooperation

The dispute raises questions about the future of Lib-Lab cooperation in other parts of the country.

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