Medvedev Warns of Nuclear Disaster as Biden Lifts Restrictions on Ukraine Using American Weapons Against Russia

Medvedev Warns of Nuclear Disaster as Biden Lifts Restrictions on Ukraine Using American Weapons Against Russia

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has delivered his strongest warning yet about the potential for a nuclear disaster in the ongoing Ukraine conflict.

This dire prediction comes on the heels of U.S. President Joe Biden lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s use of American weapons for direct attacks on Russian soil.

According to two U.S. officials, the decision follows weeks of intense discussions between the White House, the U.S. military, and the State Department.

U.S. Policy Shift: Permission to Defend Kharkiv

The lifted restrictions specifically allow Ukraine to use these weapons to defend the northeastern Kharkiv region, which is currently experiencing a fierce battle for control. This strategic shift marks a significant change in U.S. policy, reflecting increasing support for Ukraine’s defensive efforts. However, it has also provoked a furious reaction from Russia.

Russia’s Retaliation: Strikes on Kharkiv

In response to the U.S. decision, Russia launched strikes on Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. These attacks resulted in the deaths of three people and injured 23 others, including two children.

The escalation underscores the volatile nature of the conflict and the severe consequences of increased military aid to Ukraine.

Medvedev’s Threats and Warnings

Dmitry Medvedev, now the deputy chairman of Russia’s security council, vowed that Russia would target Western weapons in Ukraine or elsewhere if they are deployed from third countries.

He categorically stated, “This is not ‘military assistance’ at all, but participation in a war against us. And such actions of theirs may well become a casus belli.”

Medvedev dismissed the idea that Russia would refrain from using non-strategic nuclear weapons against Ukraine or NATO countries.

He referenced past miscalculations by NATO, highlighting that the current war has disproved earlier assumptions that Russia would avoid open conflict with Ukraine to maintain peaceful relations with the West.

The Nuclear Threat: A Sobering Reality

Medvedev emphasized the potential for catastrophic miscalculations regarding the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

He pointed out that densely populated European countries are particularly vulnerable, and for nations beyond the reach of tactical nuclear weapons, Russia possesses strategic capabilities.

He reiterated that this is not mere intimidation or a nuclear bluff, but a realistic assessment of the escalating conflict with the West.

Ukraine’s Response: Boost in Defense Capabilities

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office praised Biden’s decision, describing it as a significant boost to Ukraine’s defensive capabilities.

Sergiy Nykyforov, a spokesperson for Zelensky, indicated that the positive signals from diplomatic channels regarding the limited use of U.S.-supplied weapons would enhance Ukraine’s ability to counter Russian advances.

NATO and International Reactions

The U.S. and its Western allies have been cautious about permitting Ukraine to use Western missiles on Russian targets, fearing it could draw NATO too close to the conflict.

However, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg recently urged member states to reconsider these limits.

French President Emmanuel Macron has also advocated for Ukraine’s right to neutralize bases in Russia used for launching attacks.

Germany’s Position and Legal Justifications

Germany has acknowledged Ukraine’s right to defend itself against attacks from positions within Russia’s border area adjacent to Kharkiv. A government spokesperson affirmed that Ukraine could use Western-supplied weapons for self-defense in accordance with international law.

This statement reflects a growing consensus among Western nations about the legitimacy of Ukraine’s defensive actions.

The Human Cost: Destruction and Casualties in Kharkiv

As the West deliberates over further support, the human cost in Kharkiv continues to rise. Recent strikes have devastated residential buildings and civilian infrastructure.

Regional Governor Oleg Synegubov and Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov reported significant casualties and damage, emphasizing that no military targets were present in the attacked areas.

Cross-Border Tensions: Attacks in Russia’s Krasnodar Region

The conflict’s spillover effects are also evident in Russia’s Krasnodar region, where an oil depot was damaged by an aerial attack.

Governor Veniamin Kondratyev reported that multiple tanks with petroleum products were set on fire, and several workers were injured. These incidents highlight the expanding scope and intensity of the conflict.

Conclusion: A Precarious Future

The recent developments in the Ukraine conflict, marked by the U.S. lifting restrictions on weapon use and Russia’s heightened threats, signal a precarious and potentially catastrophic phase.

As the international community watches closely, the decisions made by key players like the U.S., Russia, and NATO will determine the trajectory of this ongoing war and its global repercussions.

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