Mayor Eric Adams Denies Knowledge of Construction Firm Under Federal Investigation

Mayor Eric Adams Denies Knowledge of Construction Firm Under Federal Investigation

Mayor Eric Adams finds himself entangled in controversy as the construction firm, KSK Construction Group, is under federal investigation in connection to his campaign finances.

This article delves into the details of the ongoing investigation and Mayor Adams’ response to the allegations.

Mayor Adams’ Denial of Involvement with KSK Construction

During a recent television interview, Mayor Adams was questioned directly about any association or prior involvement with KSK Construction Group.

He emphatically stated that he had no prior knowledge of the organization and characterized it as one of the many contributors to his campaign.

KSK Construction’s Alleged Involvement in a Kickback Scheme

KSK Construction Group is at the center of an investigation into an alleged kickback scheme with the Turkish government.

The scheme is suspected of funneling money into Mayor Adams’ successful 2021 mayoral campaign, prompting the FBI to conduct a raid on the home of Adams’ chief fundraiser.

The Role of Briana Suggs in the Investigation

Briana Suggs, a 25-year-old fundraiser for Mayor Adams, saw her home in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, searched by the FBI as part of the investigation into possible corruption.

Mayor Adams disclosed that he had been in contact with Suggs since the incident, and his legal team was also engaged in communication with her.

The FBI’s Seizure of Evidence

As part of their investigation into Mayor Adams’ 2021 campaign, the FBI seized phones, laptops, and documents during the raid on Suggs’ home.

The timing of the raid is notable, as a welfare check had been requested for Suggs’ home just hours before the dawn raid.

The Focus on Potential Straw Donors

The investigation appears to center on potential straw donors who made donations to Mayor Adams’ campaign in their names to conceal the true source of the funds.

Campaign finance records reveal that 11 KSK employees made nearly identical donations on the same day in 2021, totaling almost $14,000.

Mayor Adams’ Stance and Confidence in Suggs

Despite the ongoing investigation, Mayor Adams has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. He expressed confidence in Briana Suggs, who managed to raise $18 million for his campaign in 2021.

Mayor Adams reiterated his campaign’s commitment to full cooperation with the investigation.

The Continuing Legal Challenges

Briana Suggs is the latest in a series of individuals associated with Mayor Adams’ fundraising activities to face legal issues.

The article also touches on previous legal challenges, including a straw donor conspiracy scheme and charges against Eric Ulrich, the former city buildings commissioner under Adams.


The allegations and investigations surrounding Mayor Eric Adams’ campaign finances have cast a shadow over his tenure.

As the FBI continues to probe these financial matters, Adams maintains his innocence and emphasizes his commitment to transparency and cooperation

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