Massachusetts AG’s office says Michelle Wu’s ‘no whites’ party didn’t break the law

Massachusetts AG’s office says Michelle Wu’s ‘no whites’ party didn’t break the law

Attorney General’s Decision

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu recently hosted a holiday event exclusively for ‘electeds of color’, sparking controversy over its exclusionary nature.

However, the Massachusetts Attorney General, Andrea Campbell, declined to investigate the matter.

Despite receiving four public complaints urging an inquiry, Campbell’s office cited that since the event wasn’t open to the public, it didn’t breach public accommodation laws that prohibit discrimination.

Wu’s Defense and Accidental Invitation

The event, organized by Wu for elected officials categorized as ‘of color’, encountered a mishap when invites meant for six council members of color inadvertently reached seven white members.

Wu defended the event, deeming it a ‘longstanding’ tradition in Boston and emphasized it wasn’t her sole holiday gathering.

Her stance remained unwavering despite the inadvertent inclusion of white invitees.

Campbell’s Response and Political Background

Andrea Campbell, the state’s first black Attorney General, has yet to comment personally on the issue.

Her prior rivalry with Wu during the mayoral race adds a layer of complexity to the situation.

Campbell’s political focus, encompassing police oversight and abortion access, stems from personal experiences, including the death of her twin brother in police custody and her father’s criminal history.

Political Landscape and Distinction

While Campbell holds a significant role as the state’s top attorney, she stands apart from notable figures like George Soros, a Democratic super-donor known for endorsing and financially supporting prosecutors in the state.

Campbell’s position remains distinct from the controversies surrounding some of her peers, such as the resignation of former US Attorney Rachael Rollins, who faced allegations of power misuse during her tenure.

The Larger Democratic Context

The context of Democratic politics in Massachusetts colors this event.

It’s within the backdrop of controversies involving Democratic figures, highlighting the complexity of political dynamics within the party in the state.

Personal Tragedy and Professional Responsibility

Campbell’s personal tragedies, including the loss of her brother and the struggles within her family, contrast with her professional responsibilities.

As the state’s top legal advisor, she provides counsel to the executive branch and represents the state’s interests in legal matters, a role she takes on irrespective of her personal background.
