Zimbabwean Man Develops Enormous Breasts Allegedly Milked by Mysterious Night Creature

Zimbabwean Man Develops Enormous Breasts Allegedly Milked by Mysterious Night Creature

Unusual Incident in Zimbabwe

Reports from local news platforms in Zimbabwe highlight an extraordinary case involving a man from Cross Dete, Hwange District, who has developed unusually large breasts allegedly due to nightly encounters with a mysterious creature, suspected to be a snake.

Seeking Help from a Church Leader

The man sought assistance from Archbishop Emmanuel Mutumwa, the leader of the Johane Masowe eChishanu Apostolic Church in Bulawayo.

He believes his breast development is a result of witchcraft.

Bizarre Description of Events

During a cleansing ceremony led by Madzibaba Mutumwa, the man narrated the perplexing events that led to his breast growth. He mentioned feeling a peculiar sensation on his chest, followed by continuous growth.

He claimed a creature, potentially a snake, sucks milk from his breasts each night, accompanied by a sensation of someone engaging in intimate contact from behind.

Confirmation of Witchcraft

Archbishop Mutumwa, confirming the incident in an interview, stated that the man had indeed fallen victim to witchcraft.

He expressed certainty that a family member had cast a spell on the man, as the man described sensing another person engaging with him during these strange encounters.

Assurances of Healing

The Archbishop assured that prayers would heal the man, causing the breast growth to disappear. He mentioned having helped numerous individuals facing similar issues through his shrine.

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