Angela Allen, the Brutal Killer of Lloyd Jones

The name Lloyd Jones, that of a killer, emerges from the shadows of a harrowing tragedy, becoming entangled with the tragic case of Angela Allen.

Lloyd Jones’s conviction for the murder of Angela Allen sent shockwaves through the neighborhood.

Those who were touched by Angela’s tragic end and by Lloyd Jones’s evil deeds will never forget her or him.

Let’s go into the horrific specifics of the crime, learn more about Angela Allen, and find out where Lloyd Jones is now.
In other words, who was Angela Allen?

Angela Allen, a 16-year-old from Van Buren, Arkansas, attended Butterfield Junior High.
Angela’s real grandma Colleen raised her alongside her adoptive mother, and from a young age, Angela knew she wanted to help people by becoming a certified nurse.

She had a lively spirit, a soft spot for kids, and a deep faith in God that made her stand out.
However, on a heartbreaking day in February of 2012, Angela’s hopes and goals were cruelly cut short.
On the evening of February 10, Angela told her mother she was going for a stroll, which was something she did frequently.

When Angela still hadn’t returned the following morning, concern began to mount. Her parents were worried for her safety, so they filed a missing person’s report, which prompted a massive search operation.

Killer Lloyd Jones
Authorities learned that Angela Allen had been in touch with a man called Lloyd Jones while looking into her disappearance.
After it came out that Jones had been convicted of rape before and had a history of violent offenses, he became a suspect because of his status as a convicted sex offender.

Angela and Jones had spoken on the phone and texted after meeting on a social networking site.
Jones first said that he and Angela had gone for a trip to the Arkansas River where they had sexual encounters.
But he claimed that when he found out how old she was, he shoved her into the river. As a result, authorities filed aggravated assault charges against Jones.

Angela’s body was discovered in a shallow grave on a property near Lavaca, Arkansas, after a lengthy search. This news verified their greatest concerns, and it was awful.
Capturing Lloyd Jones
Lloyd Jones was arrested and charged with murder after the body of Angela Allen was found.
Jones pleaded guilty in August 2012 after initially pleading not guilty.
After finding him guilty of first-degree murder, child pornography possession, and mistreatment of a body, the judge gave him a life term in jail.
In theory, both clauses may have existed side by side.

Lloyd Jones is a repeat offender, thus he must complete the entirety of his sentence.
Jones, who is currently serving his sentence at the Maximum Security Unit in Tucker, Arkansas, will not be considered for release until he is 96 years old.

Lloyd Jones was arrested and charged with murder after the body of Angela Allen was found. He entered a not-guilty plea at first, but in August 2012, he changed his mind.
After finding him guilty of first-degree murder, child pornography possession, and mistreatment of a body, the judge gave him a life term in jail.
It was agreed that both sentences would run simultaneously.

Lloyd Jones is a repeat offender, thus he must serve the whole term of his sentence.
He’s still locked up in Tucker, Arkansas’s Maximum Security Prison.
Is Lloyd Jones Still Active?

Lloyd Jones made a last-ditch effort to break out of prison in June of 2016.
While on work detail at a construction site close to the East Arkansas Regional Correctional Facility in Brickeys, Arkansas, he was able to get out.

But his freedom didn’t last long; police had him back within a mile of the prison.

Lloyd Jones is presently incarcerated in Tucker, Arkansas’s Maximum Security Unit.
He will not be eligible for parole until he is 96 years old because of the seriousness of his offenses and the fact that he is a repeat offender.

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