Kelsey Parker Opens Up About Struggles with Online Trolls After Announcing Pregnancy with New Boyfriend Will Lindsay in London

Kelsey Parker Opens Up About Struggles with Online Trolls After Announcing Pregnancy with New Boyfriend Will Lindsay in London

Kelsey Parker has shared her struggle with online trolls following the announcement of her pregnancy with new boyfriend, Will Lindsay.

After the heart-wrenching loss of her husband, Tom Parker, in 2022 to brain cancer, Kelsey has started a new chapter in her life.

She revealed in January that she is expecting her third child, her first with Will Lindsay.

But, as is often the case in the public eye, Kelsey has found herself at the receiving end of judgment from some online users.

In a candid conversation with The Sun, Kelsey admitted how overwhelming it’s been.

The Pressure of Public Scrutiny

“It’s crazy,” she said. “I knew I would be judged.

But people who haven’t lost their partner, I don’t know how you can pass comment on me?” Kelsey opened up about the pain she’s experienced since Tom’s passing, saying she’s been in “such a dark place” and dealing with loneliness.

Despite all the negative feedback, she emphasized the importance of finding happiness again, especially for the sake of her children, Aurelia and Bodhi, who are five and four.

She also shared the frustration she feels over the unrealistic expectations some people have about how she should mourn.

“I feel like people think I should be sitting at home and dressed in black all day.

I have two children (and another one on the way) that I have to get out of bed for,” Kelsey explained.

“People are shocked I go to Tesco but I need to feed my kids.”

Moving Forward After Tom’s Death

Tom’s death was devastating for Kelsey, and she’s been focused on healing and establishing a future for herself and her children.

She acknowledges that it’s a hard journey, but one that must be navigated. Despite her own grief, she has compassion for Will, who is preparing to become a first-time father.

“It’s horrible for Will too,” Kelsey said. “This is his first child, and he’s excited about becoming a dad.

I’ve already been through this experience, but I feel like people are taking the excitement away from him.”

Will’s Unfazed by Online Critics

One thing that has helped Kelsey through the negativity is Will’s attitude.

She noted, “The best thing about Will is that he reads nothing.

He has no clue. He goes, ‘Kelsey, I don’t know why you’re looking at those comments.'” His support helps her stay focused on the positives, despite the hurtful remarks from some online followers.

Aurelia’s Surprising Connection with the Baby

Kelsey also shared some heartwarming moments, including how her daughter, Aurelia, has already connected with the baby. “I feel like Aurelia’s been in this world before,” Kelsey said.

“When I was eight weeks pregnant, she came up and started talking to a baby in my tummy.”

She laughed at how Will and she were left in disbelief at Aurelia’s intuition, with Aurelia even suggesting the baby’s name—‘Parker’ if it’s a boy.

Kelsey is excited to share her joy with her followers and wants everyone to be as happy for her as she is.

“I feel like I’ve put myself out there,” she said, explaining that she wanted to spread positivity despite the challenges she’s faced.

Kelsey Believes Tom Would Have Given His Blessing

Despite the trolls and the criticism, Kelsey firmly believes that Tom would have supported her pregnancy. “I think Tom would have given me his blessing,” she said.

“He wouldn’t want me to be living in sadness.”

A New Chapter with Will Lindsay

Kelsey’s new relationship with Will, a tree surgeon, began last year, and she shared that he has gradually moved in with her and the children.

It’s been a slow process, but they both feel it’s been the right time.

The couple is not putting pressure on themselves to know the baby’s sex just yet.

“We’re undecided,” Kelsey said about the baby’s gender, adding that they are waiting for the news in an email.

As Kelsey embraces her new life and upcoming motherhood, she’s determined to rise above the negativity and focus on the future.