Kat, 41, disclosed that she has black ink all over the left side of her back.
“Ink symbolised a portion of my life that no longer fits with who I am,” the woman stated.
She chose to give up her occult lifestyle in 2022 and was baptised in October, which is when she received her new appearance.
Fans were taken aback by Kat Von D, of LA Ink fame, when she revealed her intention to totally cover up her body artwork with black ink.
She said that she has opted to “black out” her skin rather than undergo “extremely painful” laser treatment.
Following her recent conversion to Christianity and renunciation of witchcraft and occult, the 41-year-old tattoo artist disclosed on Instagram that she is currently ‘blacking out’ her body, a procedure that has required ’17 sessions and approximately 40 accumulative hours’ overall.
She revealed the left part of her back, which was completely covered in black ink, in the video.
Her previous vine tattoo, which will eventually be covered in black as well, was still visible on the right side.
She then displayed some of the equipment and video that were used to blacken her skin.
She panned to reveal an angel tattoo on the front side of her waist, mostly hidden by black ink, towards the conclusion of the video.
She also showed off her arms, which, save from a man’s face tattoo, are already entirely blacked out.
Kat once had a full arm tattooed with a woman wearing vintage clothing and roses.
“We are about 80% done with blacking out my body after 17 sessions and nearly 40 cumulative hours,” Kat said in the caption for the video.
“I’ve been travelling to Philadelphia on a regular basis to get tattoos from the incredible @hoode215 at his gorgeous tattoo shop, @blackvulturegallery.”
Additionally, she added a Q&A section to her caption, presumably in an attempt to stop hateful remarks and inappropriate queries.
In addition, she commented, “Maybe remember this before making any negative comments: What you find ugly may be beautiful to someone else.”
In the Q&A, she clarified that the reason she decided against having the tattoos removed alone was that the laser procedure “can take more than 10 sessions” and is “slow (and extremely painful).”
Although she believes “laser tattoo removal is effective,” she continued, “considering how much coverage I wanted to remove, I personally wasn’t a good candidate.
“Moreover, tattooing white ink over black to provide a more natural-looking concealing is a popular practise.
But Kat said that she “loves the simplicity of the black,” therefore she won’t be doing that.”
Regarding the reason behind her decision to hide her tattoos, she revealed that they’represented a part of my life that no longer aligns with who I am today.’
“Some people are fine with keeping these types of landmarks in time on them,” she continued.
“But, I personally got tired of seeing those constant reminders every time I looked in the mirror and waking up to them.”
She made the decision to cover up her tattoos after she unexpectedly became a Christian.
She posted a high-quality video of her baptism in October.
She was accompanied by loved ones as she stood in a big water tank on stage while donning a white robe.
The pastor said, shortly before submerging Katherine von Drachenberg in water, “Upon your profession of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in obedience to His Divine command, I baptise you, my sister, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
The tattoo artist was taken aback by the overwhelming negative feedback she received, particularly from Christians, after sharing the video.
“You would think that people who are against religion or against Christianity would be the source of all the hate,” Kat clarified.
In actuality, the worst people were Christians.
Seeing this harsh show of judgement from Christians made me very sad because it isn’t Christlike to condemn individuals or their journeys.
After you reach this stage in your life, you would expect that the majority of Christians would be pleased for you, particularly after you get baptised.
She revealed that she believed her gothic style and appearance were the source of the hate.
“I think it’s absolutely crazy that people still judge a book by its cover in this day and age.”
“I didn’t know that once you give your heart to Jesus, there’s a uniform you’re supposed to wear,” she said.
“I don’t identify with a certain aesthetic that is stereotypical for the Christian community.”
I’m not dressed that way.
However, why would you criticise me based on my appearance when I would never judge you?When she initially revealed that she had thrown out her occult things because she was having a “spiritual battle” within herself, she shocked her supporters.
“I don’t know if any of you have been going through changes in your lives right now, but in the last few years I’ve come to some pretty meaningful realisations — many of them revolving around the fact that I got a lot of things wrong in my past,” the woman wrote in a post she shared that included books on witchcraft and tarot that she was throwing out.
I went through my whole library today and threw out any books that didn’t fit with my goals or my identity.
Although I’ve always found beauty in the macabre, I had to question myself what my relationship was to this subject at this point.
And the fact is that, despite their lovely covers, I really don’t want to bring any of these items into our family’s life and have them gather dust on my shelf.
This message isn’t meant to be demeaning to anyone who enjoys this content; after all, I believe that everyone is on their own journey and that I love them no matter where they are in it.
However, I feel that there is a spiritual war going on now more than ever, and I want to envelop my family and myself in love and light.
That being said, I would like to extend my love to everyone and wish that you are all making significant improvements in your lives despite some of these difficult times! She revealed a year prior to declaring her faith change that she was relocating from Los Angeles to Indiana and closing High Voltage Tattoo.
She had stated in the caption at the time, “As some of you know, we recently purchased a beautiful home on a bit of land in rural Indiana, and the more time we spend out there we realise we feel more at home there than we do here in LA.
“The celebrity said, “We have decided to move permanently to Indiana at the end of this year after much thought.”
“We intend to sell our lovely home here, and after we finish remodelling our Indiana home, I’m going to open a private studio there.”
She gave an explanation of her decision to close her store as well.
“We don’t plan on returning to LA very often, and aside from coming back to work on music with my band, I didn’t think it would make sense to keep it open,” she wrote.
Back in 2007, she had founded the renowned tattoo parlour.