Department Of Environmental And Natural Resources Division Organize A Ceremony In Recognition Of Partners And Employee For Excellence In Service.

Outstanding Achievements in Environmental Enforcement Recognized

The Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) hosted its annual awards ceremony, acknowledging exceptional accomplishments in various aspects of civil and criminal environmental enforcement, agency rulemaking defense, natural resource protection, Indian law, and related fields.

Muskie-Chafee Award for Upholding ENRD’s Mission

The prestigious 2023 Muskie-Chafee Award, honoring federal employees who exemplify ENRD’s mission, was presented to Director Tracy S. Toulou of the Justice Department’s Office of Tribal Justice (OTJ). Toulou, an authority in federal Indian law, has played a pivotal role in addressing public safety challenges faced by Tribes. He has strengthened Tribal sovereignty, self-governance, and the government-to-government relationship between the Justice Department and Tribal governments. His contributions include enhancing Tribal input in agency decision-making and introducing a transparent standard adopted as a model throughout the federal government. The Muskie-Chafee Award, named after environmental leaders Edmund S. Muskie and John H. Chafee, was established to commemorate ENRD’s 90th anniversary in 1999.

Tom C. Clark II Award for Trial Preparation Excellence

The 2023 Tom C. Clark II Award was bestowed upon the Evergreen Resource Recovery, LLC (E.R.R.) Jury Trial Team, consisting of Jason Barbeau, Shea Diaz, Jeff Maynard, and Sheila McAnaney. This team achieved notable victories in liability and cost recovery cases under the Oil Pollution Act against a Louisiana wastewater treatment facility that illegally discharged oil into the Mississippi River. The award, named after former ENRD attorney and manager Tom C. Clark II, recognizes exceptional trial preparation, an area in which Clark excelled.

ENRD Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim expressed his appreciation for the significant contributions made by ENRD staff and teams in upholding the nation’s environmental laws, safeguarding natural resources, reducing pollution, advancing environmental justice initiatives, and protecting tribal rights and resources.

The awards ceremony also featured recognition for individuals and teams across ENRD’s ten sections, including Appellate, Environmental Crimes, Environmental Defense, Environmental Enforcement, Executive Office, Indian Resources, Land Acquisition, Law & Policy, Natural Resources, and Wildlife & Marine Resources.

ENRD, the nation’s foremost environmental legal authority, pursues legal action against individuals and entities that violate environmental laws while defending the federal government in complex civil litigation arising from a wide array of environmental statutes. With offices throughout the United States, ENRD is the largest environmental law firm in the country and home to the Justice Department’s Office of Environmental Justice, which collaborates across all Justice Department bureaus, components, and offices to champion environmental justice initiatives.

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