Enugu State Government Faces Backlash as Local Government Election Date is Abruptly Postponed Following Court Order

Enugu State Government Faces Backlash as Local Government Election Date is Abruptly Postponed Following Court Order

Government Decision and Announcement:

The Enugu State Government, led by the State Independent Electoral Commission Chairman Mike Ajogu, SAN, has declared a new date for the local government elections in the state.

Initially scheduled for February 24, the elections were rescheduled to October 5, 2024, according to an official statement released on Wednesday night.

Court Order Prompts Postponement:

The sudden shift in the election schedule was attributed to a court order, compelling the State Independent Electoral Commission to modify its original guidelines and timetable published in September 2023.

Chairman Mike Ajogu explained that the High Court judgment by Justice C. O. Ajah in the Action Alliance vs Enugu State Independent Electoral Commission case (suit no E/682/2023) led to the adjustments.

Criticism and Allegations:

The postponement faced criticism, with an unnamed electoral commission official suggesting political motives behind the decision, contrary to the chairman’s statement.

The official highlighted a discrepancy in the notice period, arguing that the commission should have provided a 360-day notice instead of the 120-day notice given.

Potential Appeal and Uncertain Future:

The electoral commission official hinted at a possible appeal, emphasizing that the decision to appeal lies with the state government.

The uncertainty surrounding the election rescheduling raises questions about the adherence to electoral guidelines and the potential impact on the democratic process.

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