James Haskell’s VIP Night Sparks Intrigue as Chloe Madeley Embraces Happiness in the Wake of Their High-Profile Separation

James Haskell’s VIP Night Sparks Intrigue as Chloe Madeley Embraces Happiness in the Wake of Their High-Profile Separation

Former rugby player James Haskell, 38, was recently spotted at the VIP launch of Gilgamesh in London, sparking interest and speculation about his personal life following his split from wife Chloe Madeley.

The night out comes after the announcement of their separation in October 2023, marking the end of a decade-long relationship and five years of marriage.

The VIP Launch:

James Haskell’s appearance at the VIP launch of Gilgamesh included interactions with various women, notably a mystery brunette.

The Mail reports that he was seen getting close to the unidentified woman, sparking curiosity about the direction of his romantic life post-divorce.

Insights from the Source:

Following the launch party, an insider shared details with The Sun, stating that James seemed comfortable in the company of the mystery lady.

Describing their interaction, the source mentioned whispered conversations, shared smiles, and an overall sense of camaraderie.

Notably, James also spent time with DJ Julia Cameron during the event.

James’ History and Criticisms:

James Haskell has faced public scrutiny in the past for his social media activity, X-rated posts, and interactions with other women.

His split from Chloe Madeley marked a turning point, prompting various reactions from the public and occasional subtle remarks from James himself.

Past Remarks and Current Update:

James’ public commentary on his relationship with Chloe has varied over time.

On The Jeremy Vine Show, he humorously navigated the topic, acknowledging that Chloe is technically still his wife as they continue to co-parent their daughter Bodhi.

This contrasts with his previous insistence on referring to Chloe as his ‘ex-wife’ in podcast discussions.

Contradictory Remarks and Recent Shift:

Despite past swipes and subtle digs at Chloe, James seemed to have shifted his stance during a recent appearance on The Jeremy Vine Show.

Expressing appreciation for Chloe’s qualities, he praised her writing skills and acknowledged her brilliance, signaling a potential change in tone regarding their relationship.

Chloe’s Subtle Digs and Happiness:

In contrast, Chloe Madeley has shared glimpses of her post-split life on social media.

In response to fan questions, she expressed happiness, noting that she couldn’t recall feeling this content.

Her Instagram Stories conveyed a positive outlook, subtly contrasting with past narratives surrounding the breakup.

Chloe’s Reflections on Happiness:

Chloe responded to a fan’s query about happiness by emphasizing kindness and surrounding oneself with positive influences.

Her remarks hinted at a newfound sense of contentment and provided insight into her perspective on personal growth post-divorce.


As James Haskell steps into this new chapter of his life, public attention remains fixed on his interactions and evolving relationship dynamics.

The contrasting narratives from both James and Chloe, along with their respective public statements, add layers to the unfolding story of life after a high-profile split.

The public is left to observe and interpret the subtle shifts in tone and behavior, anticipating the next chapters in their individual journeys.
