Jamaica Contemplates Demanding £500,000 Reparations from Britain for ‘Dark Tourism’ Heritage Sector Funding

Jamaica Contemplates Demanding £500,000 Reparations from Britain for ‘Dark Tourism’ Heritage Sector Funding

In recent developments, Jamaica is reportedly considering a demand for £500,000 in reparations from Britain, aiming to fund its ‘dark tourism’ heritage sector.

This initiative, led by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, reflects a desire to showcase the historical impact of colonialism through exhibitions funded by the UK Government and major museums.

Jamaica’s Historical Context:

Having been under British rule until gaining independence in 1962, Jamaica is contemplating seeking reparations of around £500,000 to address the centuries-long suffering endured during the era of slavery.

The allocated funds are intended for the preservation of significant sites associated with imperialism, such as ports, hospitals, and courthouses, as reported by The Telegraph.

Preserving Built Heritage for ‘Dark Tourism’:

Edmund Bartlett, Jamaica’s tourism minister, advocates for the preservation of Georgian sites, including former homes of slave owners, to promote ‘dark tourism.’

He emphasizes the importance of the built heritage, stating that it narrates a compelling story in stone and mortar.

Bartlett believes that connecting with Jamaica’s diverse cultural history is essential, as remnants of British influence are still present on the island.

Holness’ Vision for an Independent Republic:

Prime Minister Holness, a vocal critic of Jamaica’s ties with the Commonwealth and the British monarchy, formalized plans for the country to become an independent republic in 2022.

Holness envisions a new Constitution of Jamaica that eliminates the monarchy, indicating a shift in the country’s political identity.

Despite delays in constitutional changes, there is an evolving public sentiment favoring Jamaica’s transition to a republic.

Challenges in Becoming a Republic:

The envisioned constitutional change aimed for completion by June of the previous year, but the process faced delays due to discussions about the new head of state’s role.

Holness explains that passing legislation in Parliament and conducting a referendum are essential steps, making the timeline for Jamaica’s republic status uncertain.

Royal Visits and Political Sensitivities:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex recently faced criticism for posing with Prime Minister Holness during their visit to Kingston for the premiere of a Bob Marley film.

Holness, while expressing pleasure at the royal participation, subtly highlighted internal issues within the United Kingdom, gaining unexpected publicity for Jamaica.

Notably, Holness reiterated that members of the Royal Family, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, would never rule the nation.

Prince William’s Stance on Slavery:

During their visit, Prince William received both praise and criticism for addressing Britain’s historic role in the slave trade.

Despite condemning the “abhorrent” trade, some Jamaicans felt his statements did not go far enough.

Prince William expressed sorrow for slavery’s impact, aligning with his father’s views.

However, Holness conveyed unresolved issues to the royal couple, underscoring the complexities surrounding historical injustices.

Calls for Reparations and Opposition:

Last August, Judge Patrick Robinson from the International Criminal Court asserted that Britain owed nearly £19 trillion in reparations for its role in the slave trade.

This claim, deemed by some as an ‘underestimation,’ accused politicians of neglecting their responsibility.

Critics, including former business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg, dismissed these demands, emphasizing that the UK had contributed to global progress by ending the slave trade.

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