Michelin Star Chef Survives Near-Death Heart Attack, Unveils Life-Altering Diet Shifts in New Book

Chef’s Near-Death Experience and Diet Overhaul

Sat Bains, a Michelin star chef, faced a life-altering moment after a severe heart attack in March 2021.

The unexpected episode, referred to as the “widowmaker,” led to an emergency triple heart bypass surgery that prompted Bains to reevaluate his lifestyle and eating habits.

Unveiling the Path to Recovery

Despite considering himself healthy, the heart attack survivor acknowledged the need for significant dietary changes after consulting with nutritionist Dr. Neil Williams.

During his prolonged recovery period, Bains underwent drastic weight loss and faced challenges in basic mobility, but he was determined to revolutionize his diet.

The Revamped Diet Regime

Shifting away from his previous low-carb, high-fat keto diet, Bains adopted a modified approach, emphasizing moderation and balance.

His diet now includes more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthier fats, a far cry from his earlier indulgences in chocolate and steaks.

Rediscovering Food Choices

Previously consuming multiple steaks weekly, Bains now limits himself to one every few weeks and opts for low-cholesterol alternatives like fish, venison, and game birds.

The chef emphasizes the importance of moderation, maintaining robust flavors with inventive yet heart-healthy ingredients such as soy sauce and chili.

Embracing Heart-Healthy Foods

Incorporating Dr. Williams’ recommendations, Bains introduced heart-healthy foods like nuts, seeds, oats, barley, oily fish, beans, and pulses into his diet, attributing these dietary adjustments to his remarkable recovery.

A Culinary Icon’s Transformation and Recovery

Bains, renowned for his Nottingham-based Restaurant Sat Bains with two Michelin stars and numerous accolades, now believes he’s regained his former fitness level.

Expressing gratitude for his diet modifications, he acknowledges that sticking to his former keto diet would have worsened his genetic predisposition.

Essential Foods for Heart Health

Dr. Neil Williams recommends ten vital foods for heart health, including vegetables and fruits, oats and barley, beans and pulses, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds, soya-based products, oily fish, shellfish, lean meats, and spices and herbs, each offering unique heart-friendly benefits.

Advertisement and Conclusion

The article concludes with an advertisement tag and mentions the context of the Coronavirus lockdowns in Nottingham during the chef’s recovery phase.

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