How to Keep Your Baby Happy and Healthy

In the first few weeks of life especially, babies are sensitive and fragile. We, as parents, need to devote our full attention to them. Babies are unable to communicate and tell us what they want or need. However, they can show us with some signal what it is they need. We just need to recognize these signals and act accordingly. Every loving and devoted parent wants their baby to be happy and healthy. There are a few plausible ways that can help you do that – keep reading to learn more about them.

First of all, the most important thing is to be a loving and devoted parent. You need to take care of the baby’s basic needs as it is unable to do it on its own. Also, you should talk a lot to your baby. Additionally, what helps is reading to your baby. You can opt for some age-appropriate stories, for example. And lastly, you shouldn’t forget to have fun with your baby as well.

  •  Be a loving and attentive parent

Essentially, what all babies need are their parents’ love and attention. Some studies have shown that the love, affection and attention the baby receives in the initial years of life directly impact its mental, physical and emotional growth. The love you give your baby as well as your touch help in developing its brain. You can express your love with hugs, smiles, touch and by listening to your baby, speaking to it, encouraging it and playing with it. What soothes babies are being physically close to their parents, therefore they love being snuggled in a wrap or a sling. Do your best to respond to your baby’s cries – you can’t spoil it in the first 6 months of life – according to some research.

  • Take care of its basic needs

Babies only have a few basic needs. In order for the baby to grow, it needs to be healthy. So, it is your responsibility to take care of its health by feeding it properly and timely, changing it when necessary, making sure it drinks plenty of fluids and taking it for medical checkups regularly. It’s especially important to be mindful of immunization. Another thing that is of key importance is sleep – your baby needs to have plenty of quality sleep as its brain and other cells develop. During sleep, the brain makes important connections that help your baby see, smell, feel, hear, taste and touch.

It’s also essential to be mindful of the climate and dress your baby appropriately to avoid various health issues. If you live in colder climate countries, such as Northern European countries, then you should dress your baby in warm jackets, hats and pants. However, if you live in hot climate countries, you should choose appropriate baby clothes in such climates. These climates often imply less light clothing. If you live in Australia, you should buy baby clothes online in Australia, in order to lower shipping costs and save time. We all know how this is important with a baby around!

  • Talk to your baby

Your baby starts recognizing your voice when still in the womb. Talking to your baby is of key importance in the first months and years of life as it can then develop more advanced language skills. You can use every moment to talk to your baby: when you change them, feed them and play with them.

  • Read to your baby

When you read to your child while still a baby, you can build its vocabulary, promote imagination and creativity as well as enhance their social and language skills. There are age-appropriate books you can use with every year of your baby’s growth. For starters, use colourful and sturdy books meant for babies. While reading, you can also talk and explain using photos. When your baby grows a bit, into a toddler, you can make book reading more interactive, by stimulating your child to think and develop their own opinions.

  • Have fun with your baby

You are what makes your baby the happiest – don’t forget that. Think of suitable ways to have fun with your baby. If you’re having fun, your baby is too! Play is what creates joy and a base for happiness later on.

Your role as a parent is definitely one of the most important roles you’ll have in life. Make sure to give your best when raising your child.

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