How to clear cache on instagram

Cache is a temporary storage location for files that are often accessed by a computer or device. When you access a file from cache, it loads faster because the device doesn’t have to retrieve it from its original location. Cache is used to improve the performance of devices and software applications. 

Instagram uses cache to store frequently accessed files so that the app can load faster. When you open Instagram, it will load cached files first before retrieving new data from the server. Cache is stored in the form of images, videos, and text. 

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How Cache Works?

Cache works by storing data in a temporary location so that it can be accessed more quickly the next time it’s needed. When you try to access a file that is not in cache, the device or software application has to retrieve it from its original location, which can take some time. However, if the file is in cache, the device or software can access it more quickly because it doesn’t have to retrieve it from its original location. 

Cache is typically stored on your hard drive or in your RAM (random access memory). The size of cache varies depending on the device or software application. For example, a web browser may have a cache size of 50 MB, while an operating system may have a cache size of 1 GB. 

Why Does Instagram Use Cache?

As we mentioned above, Instagram uses cache to store frequently accessed files so that the app can load faster. When you open Instagram, it will load cached files first before retrieving new data from the server. This helps improve the performance of the app because it doesn’t have to retrieve data from the server every time you want to view something. 

In addition to improving performance, using cache also helps reduce data usage. If you have a limited data plan, you can save data by accessing cached files instead of retrieving new data from the server every time you use the app. 

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How to Clear Cache on Instagram?

If you want to clear cache on Instagram, you can do so by going into your Settings and selecting “Clear Cache.” This will remove all cached files from your device so that Instagram will have to retrieve new data from the server the next time you use the app. Keep in mind that this may cause the app to run slower until all new data has been retrieved and cached again. 

You can also clear cache by deleting and reinstalling Instagram. This will remove all local data from your device, including cache. However, this will also delete your account information, so be sure to back up your account before doing this! 


Cache is a temporary storage location for files that are often accessed by a computer or device. It is used to improve the performance of devices and software applications by storing data in a way that can be accessed more quickly. 

Instagram uses cache to store frequently accessed files so that the app can load faster. When you open Instagram, it will load cached files first before retrieving new data from the server. This helps improve performance and reduces data usage. 

You can clear cache on Instagram by going into your Settings and selecting “Clear Cache” or by deleting and reinstalling Instagram. Keep in mind that clearing cache may cause Instagram to run slower until all new data has been retrieved and cached again.

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