How could they have done such a shocking act? A Texas man and his friend brutally head-stomped and beat a frail 67-year-old Alzheimer’s sufferer who, in a moment of confusion, mistook their car for his daughter’s.

How could they have done such a shocking act? A Texas man and his friend brutally head-stomped and beat a frail 67-year-old Alzheimer’s sufferer who, in a moment of confusion, mistook their car for his daughter’s.

Identification and Attack on Florentino Hurtado

A distressing video footage captured the brutal assault on a 67-year-old man in a Houston parking lot, now identified as Florentino Hurtado.

Diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s two years prior, Hurtado mistakenly attempted to enter the attackers’ car, leading to the harrowing incident.

The assailants, believed to be Trayvion Lockridge and Derodric Stephens, conducted the assault outside a local meat market on a Saturday.

Assailants and Charges

Lockridge and Stephens, currently in police custody, subjected the senior citizen to a barrage of blows, ultimately knocking him to the ground.

They face charges of aggravated robbery against a victim over 65. Initially, the state proposed a $1 million bond for Lockridge, countered by the defense at $3,000.

However, after police revealed the extent of the attack, Lockridge’s bond was set at $50,000.

Stephens awaits bond determination due to additional pending cases and the severity of the new charge, carrying a maximum sentence of ninety-nine years in prison.

Injuries and Recovery

As Hurtado recuperates from a broken cheekbone, severe cuts requiring stitches, and a possible traumatic brain injury, his daughter Jessica recounted the incident from the security clip.

Hurtado, visibly confused and disoriented, inadvertently approached the attackers’ vehicle, likely mistaking it for his own.

Jessica emphasized her father’s dependence on constant supervision and his inability to communicate in English, factors contributing to the confusion that led to the violent assault.

The Aggression Unfolded

The surveillance footage outside the meat market vividly depicts the attackers repeatedly striking Hurtado until he collapsed.

Despite his frail stature, weighing less than 100 pounds, Hurtado was mercilessly beaten, eventually being left on the pavement.

The assault persisted even as Hurtado lay defenseless, with the assailants viciously stomping on his head several times.

After robbing Hurtado of his cellphone, the attackers fled, leaving him disoriented and unaware of the incident due to his condition.

Emotional Impact and Post-Assault

Jessica, grappling with the aftermath, expressed deep sorrow over her father’s undeserved suffering.

She highlighted the challenges of managing Alzheimer’s, stating the attack added a layer of sadness to an already difficult situation.

Hurtado’s inability to recollect the assault only adds to the family’s anguish, emphasizing the sheer injustice of the situation.

The incident not only inflicted physical harm but also deep emotional distress on a family already navigating the complexities of dementia.

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