Teen Survives Terrifying Train Mishap After Fooling Around on Moscow Station Platform

Tragic Turn of Events

In a fateful misstep, the teenager trips and falls off the platform right as an electric train approaches the station.

The impact of the train hits him and propels him between the platform edge and the train itself. Despite the initial assumption of his demise, the 18-year-old miraculously survived the harrowing incident.

Friends to the Rescue

Swift action from his friends at Kuryanovo station saved the teenager’s life. They promptly pulled him away from the train, onto the platform, and rushed him into the station where they sought immediate medical assistance.

Surviving Against Odds

The transport department of the Russian Investigative Committee confirmed that the teenager sustained multiple injuries but managed to survive.

He was promptly transported to a medical facility for treatment and is currently undergoing medical care for his injuries.

Ongoing Investigation

An inquiry is underway to understand the circumstances surrounding this life-threatening episode that occurred early in December.

The authorities are investigating the incident to ascertain further details and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

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