Hilarious Gift Suggestions for People in Their 30s, According to Seventh Graders

Hilarious Gift Suggestions for People in Their 30s, According to Seventh Graders

A Peek into Seventh Graders’ Gift Ideas

Shane Frakes, a California-based educator with a TikTok following of over 118,000, recently shared the amusing holiday gift suggestions from his seventh-grade students.

In a viral TikTok clip, viewed over 2.1 million times, Frakes revealed what his students believe people in their 30s should receive as gifts, leaving viewers in stitches.

The Gift List Unveiled

In the video, Frakes showcased sticky notes with the students’ handwritten recommendations.

The creative and sometimes tongue-in-cheek ideas included ‘measuring cups,’ ‘Bless this home’ signs, ‘hard candies,’ ‘Bingo cards,’ and ‘Panera gift cards’ because, as per the students, millennials apparently ‘love soup.’

Other suggestions featured candles that smell like ‘home or back then,’ a coffee mug proclaiming ‘Don’t talk to me until I have had my coffee,’ and a heated blanket for those aching muscles in their 30s.

From Divorce Lawyers to Candy Crush Premium

The students didn’t hold back, proposing unique gifts such as ‘divorce lawyers,’ ‘wine,’ ‘expensive meats,’ ‘Candy Crush premium,’ ‘wrinkle cream,’ and even ‘Dyson vacuum.’

One particularly cheeky suggestion was ‘hip implants,’ adding a humorous twist to the list. One student took it to the extreme, recommending a ‘lawyer for the divorce attorney.’

Reactions and Commentary

The TikTok video sparked reactions from millennials who found the students’ perceptions amusing and, in some cases, surprisingly accurate.

While some were shocked by the humorously exaggerated ideas, others admitted the students might be onto something, with comments like, ‘They’re not wrong,’ and ‘I honestly love soup and candles. I’m 36.’

The Web’s Take on the Students’ Insight

While some web users found the suggestions entertaining, others appreciated the accuracy in the students’ perceptions.

The humorous take on what people in their 30s might appreciate for the holidays prompted a lively discussion online, showcasing the blend of amusement and resonance with the gift ideas.

Shane Frakes’ TikTok provides a delightful and light-hearted glimpse into the humorous perceptions of seventh-grade students about what people in their 30s might desire as gifts.

The reactions from millennials and web users add an extra layer of amusement to this festive and comical revelation.
