Haruna Abdullahi Aliyu, prominent Northern Nigerian singer expresses sorrow for endorsing Buhari for President

Haruna Abdullahi Aliyu, prominent Northern Nigerian singer expresses sorrow for endorsing Buhari for President

Haruna Abdullahi Aliyu, a prominent Northern Nigerian singer, has expressed sorrow for endorsing Muhammadu Buhari for President of Nigeria.
During the 2015 and 2019 general elections, Aliyu sang the President’s praises. Aliyu remarked in a now-viral video that he regrets campaigning for President Buhari because he had “failed Nigerians.”
‘He bemoaned the country’s handling of security concerns in the face of rising living costs, particularly for ordinary citizens.’
“I greatly regret performing support songs for President Buhari because he has failed Nigerians,” Aliyu remarked in Hausa.
He has not kept his campaign promises.I swear to God I regret supporting him (Buhari) on a number of issues badly handled by his administration.
Of course, one may not regret everything but I regret anyway.I regret because we supported him based on his assurances that he was capable of tackling insecurity, corruption and bad economy.
As it is, the president has failed and hugely so. It is regrettable to have believed him this much”

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