Hamas Rockets Trigger Israeli State of Readiness for War

Hamas Rockets Trigger Israeli State of Readiness for War

Hamas Launches Thousands of Rockets

In a dramatic escalation of conflict, Palestinian militant group Hamas fired thousands of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel on Saturday morning.

This surprise attack has prompted a swift and significant response from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).

Israel Declares “State of Readiness for War”

In response to the rocket barrage, the Israeli Defense Force has declared “a state of readiness for war.”

The Israeli defense minister has also approved a call-up of military reservists, indicating the seriousness of the situation.

Retaliatory Airstrikes and Warnings

The Israeli military swiftly launched retaliatory airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket attacks.

Israeli officials have warned of the potential for further escalation as tensions mount in the region.

Emergency Meeting and Warning Sirens

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency meeting of security officials as warning sirens sounded across southern and central Israel. The situation has raised alarm at the highest levels of the Israeli government.

Infiltration by Hamas Gunmen

Reports suggest that Hamas gunmen have infiltrated Israel in what is deemed the most serious escalation of the conflict since a ten-day war in 2021.

This infiltration has heightened concerns and prompted immediate responses from Israeli forces.

Hamas Calls for Widespread Resistance

Hamas military commander Mohammad Deif declared the start of the operation, calling on Palestinians everywhere to join the fight.

He emphasized the significance of this battle, claiming that 5,000 rockets had been launched.

Israeli Casualty and Infiltration

As the conflict unfolds, reports indicate that one Israeli woman has been killed, and ambulance crews have been deployed to affected areas.

The Israeli military has confirmed that its forces are operating inside Gaza, and some terrorists have infiltrated Israeli territory.

Clashes and Captives

Social media footage shows clashes in city streets and armed gunmen in jeeps in southern Israel.

Reports suggest that some Israelis have been taken captive by fighters, though details remain unclear.

Emergency Response and Reservist Call-Up

Israel’s ambulance service has dispatched teams to southern areas near Gaza, urging residents to stay indoors.

Additionally, a group representing military reservists has called on them to report for duty. Defence Minister Yoav Gallant authorized the call-up of reservists.

Islamic Jihad Joins the Attack

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group announced its fighters’ participation in the attack alongside Hamas. This collaboration signifies a unified front against Israel.

Palestinian Reactions

In Gaza, residents have reported hearing rocket launches and witnessing armed clashes along the separation fence with Israel.

There is disbelief among Palestinians at the reported infiltration of fighters into Israeli territory.

Timing Amidst Anniversary

The timing of this conflict is notable, occurring one day after Israel marked the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war.

This war brought Israel to the brink of defeat in a surprise attack by Syria and Egypt, and its memory remains significant in the region’s history.

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