Google Adsense Payment Timeline

Google Adsense Payment Timeline

Your Payments page is updated to indicate the progress of your payments. You’ll see line items added and updated throughout the month as your earnings are finalized and then issued for payment.
The AdSense payment cycle is monthly. You accrue estimated earnings over the course of a month, and then at the beginning of the following month your earnings are finalized and posted to your balance on your Payments page.
Let’s say you accrue estimated earnings throughout the month of June. By July 3rd, you’ll see your June 1st-30th finalized total earnings credited to your Payments page.
You’ll then be issued a payment for your June earnings and any other credits on your balance as one lump sum on or around July 21st.
Finalized YouTube earnings for the previous month are added to your AdSense account balance between the 7th and 12th of the month.
The time of arrival depends on your payment method but wire transfer should take 5 business days worldwide.

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