French bishops tell priests not to bless same-sex couples

French bishops tell priests not to bless same-sex couples

Declaration on Marriage and Liturgical Blessings:

The bishops, in reference to Fiducia Supplicans, emphasized the inadmissibility of rites and prayers causing confusion between the essence of marriage and conflicting practices.

They argued that the declaration serves as guidance, crucial for avoiding confusion at all costs.

The bishops emphasized the preservation of the traditional understanding of marriage, which, according to God’s design, is exclusively between a man and a woman.

Unambiguous Discernment in the Declaration:

Continuing their argument, the bishops highlighted another excerpt from Fiducia Supplicans, asserting that the Church lacks the authority to bestow liturgical blessings when it may inadvertently confer moral legitimacy on unions presenting themselves as marriages or engaging in extramarital sexual practices.

This, they argued, clarifies ongoing debates within certain local Churches, especially in Europe and America, where conflicting views on liturgical blessings for same-sex couples exist.

Addressing Local Church Debates:

The bishops specifically pointed out the challenges faced by certain local Churches, particularly in Europe and America, where differences arise between those advocating for liturgical blessings for same-sex couples and those opposing it.

They stressed the necessity, according to Fiducia Supplicans, to ensure that the granting of liturgical blessings aligns with the law and the spirit of the Gospel.

Signatories and Endorsement:

The statement, undersigned by prominent figures including d’Ornellas, head of the ecclesiastical province, and other bishops such as Raymond Centène, Emmanuel Delmas, Laurent Dognin, François Jacolin, Denis Moutel, Laurent Percerou, Jean-Pierre Vuillemin, and Auxiliary Bishop Jean Bondu, as well as Father Frédéric Foucher, diocesan administrator of Laval, reflects a collective endorsement of the declaration.

Author Background:

The article concludes with information about Peter Pinedo, the DC Correspondent for CNA, who is a graduate of Franciscan University and a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve.

Previously associated with Texas Right to Life, Pinedo brings a diverse background to his role as a correspondent covering ecclesiastical matters.

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