Free condoms to be handed out at 2022 Winter Olympics but hugs and handshakes are to be avoided

Athletes will be given free condoms at the Winter Olympics in Beijing next month, but in light of the COVID-19 outbreak, competitors have been advised not to shake hands or embrace.
Due to concerns about the transmission of COVID-19, the International Olympic Committee indicated in the events playbook that participants were urged to minimize interaction and stay within their ‘tight loop.’
The ‘closed loop’ was developed, according to the IOC handbook, to ‘keep Games participants and the Chinese people safe by avoiding needless encounters.’
The playbook read: “A special system has been defined to keep Games participants and the people of China safe through reducing unnecessary interactions, while still allowing you to perform the day-to-day activities essential to your role during the Games.
“This closed loop system allows you to enter China without undergoing a compulsory 21-day quarantine, subject to you being fully vaccinated.
” The games are set to start on Friday, and athletes from all over the world will compete in 15 different sports until Feb. 20.
A report from Reuters however, has confirmed that athletes will all be distributed free condoms upon arrival, following an email from event officials.
The email read: “All Olympic-related units will provide appropriate quantities of condoms for free at the appropriate time to people who’ve checked in to stay inside the loop.
” Reuters also revealed that those included in the free distribution are the world’s media in Beijing to cover the Games, after journalists checking into Guizhou Hotel found five condoms in their room.
Free condoms at the event will come as no surprise to athletes and ‘closed loop’ Game goers, with the distribution first starting at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul.

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