Predatory Priest Sentenced to 262 Months Imprisonment for Assaulting Minor During Deceptive Florida Vacation

Predatory Priest Sentenced to 262 Months Imprisonment for Assaulting Minor During Deceptive Florida Vacation

Background of Abuse:

In 2020, a clergyman exploited a beach vacation pretext to sexually abuse a minor, sending inappropriate messages and attempting assault.

Arrest at Miami Airport:

The priest, arrested at Miami International Airport in November 2022, now faces a 262-month prison term and lifelong supervised release.

Diocese’s Response:

The Diocese of Charleston, informed in December 2020, reported the allegations to law enforcement, highlighting the need for scrutiny in background checks.

Legal Consequences:

U.S. District Judge Mary Geiger Lewis imposes a strict sentence, requiring the priest to register as a sex offender and provide restitution to the victim.

International Dimension:

The accused priest, hailing from Chile, had left the U.S. before the Diocese became aware, raising questions about cross-border accountability.

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