Former Naval Chief Defies Presidential Order, Refuses to Vacate Position Amid Financial Disputes and Naval Obligations

Former Naval Chief Defies Presidential Order, Refuses to Vacate Position Amid Financial Disputes and Naval Obligations

…By Dorcas Funmi for TDPel Media. The former Naval Chief, Awwal Zubairu Gambo, has chosen to remain in his position despite a presidential directive to vacate the office.


This decision comes just two days after President Bola Tinubu dismissed all service chiefs and appointed new ones.

While the other service chiefs complied with the presidential order, Gambo insists on staying, citing unresolved issues.

Financial Matters and Naval Obligations

Gambo plans to leave his position on Friday after settling various financial matters, including the payment of significant sums to contractors and naval officers.


He claims responsibility for releasing funds to the Nigerian Navy and refuses to step down until he fulfills this obligation.

However, sources indicate that his successor may potentially encounter delays in making payments to contractors, despite assurances that the Navy will meet all contractual obligations.

 Defiance and Consequences

Despite pleas from within the Nigerian Navy headquarters in Abuja, Gambo remains firm in his decision to defy the president’s order and retain his position.

A senior naval officer expressed astonishment at Gambo’s actions, emphasizing that any actions taken after the president’s public announcement are considered null and void within the Nigerian Navy.

Allocation of Funds for Naval Repairs

In addition to defying the presidential directive, Gambo intends to allocate millions of dollars for emergency repairs on the NNS Aradu, a large naval ship.


This decision contradicts recommendations calling for the decommissioning of the ship and its transfer to a naval museum.

Despite being advised to take the ship, which was commissioned in 1980, out of service, Gambo has allocated a substantial budget of $200 million for repairs.


Former Naval Chief Awwal Zubairu Gambo’s decision to remain in his position despite a presidential directive has raised concerns and led to a clash with the Nigerian Navy’s chain of command.

Gambo’s insistence on fulfilling financial obligations and allocating funds for naval repairs, despite recommendations to the contrary, has created further controversy within the organization.

The resolution of this impasse remains uncertain, as the Nigerian Navy grapples with the consequences of Gambo’s actions and the need to adhere to the presidential directive.


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