Footage inside burning Japan Airlines plane reveals touchdown amidst thick smoke in the cabin

Footage inside burning Japan Airlines plane reveals touchdown amidst thick smoke in the cabin

Incident Description: Airliner Crash at Haneda Airport

A catastrophic event unfolded at Haneda Airport, Tokyo, as a Japan Airlines jet carrying 379 passengers crashed into a coastguard plane upon landing.

The aftermath was chaotic, with the airliner ablaze and smoke engulfing the cabin.

Distressing footage from inside the aircraft captured the panic among passengers, some resorting to masks and makeshift coverings to ward off the smoke.

Scenes of flames spewing from the windows and the passenger escape slide catching fire depicted the severity of the situation.

Evacuation and Response Efforts

Despite the turmoil, all passengers and crew aboard the two-year-old Airbus A-350 were successfully evacuated.

Accounts from survivors described the frantic moments inside the smoke-filled cabin, recounting how they rushed towards emergency exits for escape.

The extent of injuries sustained during the flight and subsequent fire remains uncertain.

Immediate response teams, including fire crews, swiftly arrived at the scene, battling the intense flames that engulfed the aircraft.

Unfolding Investigations and Impact

The crash severely damaged the Airbus, breaking its nose gear, yet the evacuation proceeded amidst the ongoing engine operation.

As investigations unfold, authorities aim to ascertain the specifics of the collision and the circumstances leading to the disaster.

Reports indicated involvement from a coastguard plane, linking it to a mission delivering aid after the recent New Year’s Day Earthquake, adding complexity to the situation.

Ongoing Developments and Airport Impact

The incident prompted the closure of all runways at Haneda Airport, affecting the travel plans of countless passengers during a period of increased holiday travel.

With over 70 fire engines deployed to combat the blaze, the airport faced a critical situation, causing disruptions and safety concerns.

This tragedy starkly contrasts with Japan’s history of safe commercial aviation, marking one of the most devastating incidents since the country’s worst aviation disaster in 1985.


Amidst the aftermath, investigations, and recovery efforts, this harrowing event stands as a stark reminder of the unpredictability inherent in air travel, despite decades of safety advancements within the aviation industry.

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