Flight Attendant Exposes Disturbing Secrets About In-Flight Coffee Hygiene

Flight Attendant Exposes Disturbing Secrets About In-Flight Coffee Hygiene

Flight Attendant Exposes Shocking Reasons to Avoid Airline Coffee

In a revealing TikTok video, flight attendant Kevin, known as @ichbinvin, sheds light on some unsavory secrets of the aviation industry, specifically focusing on the questionable hygiene practices related to in-flight coffee.

Dirty Secret #1: Unclean Water Tanks:

A pilot’s response on Reddit sparked Kevin’s attention, cautioning that passengers should refrain from drinking in-flight coffee due to the rarely cleaned water tanks used to brew it.

Kevin aligns with this concern and suggests arriving early to the airport to purchase coffee from the terminal instead.

The revelation about unclean water tanks raises serious hygiene questions, urging passengers to reconsider their choice of beverages during flights.

Dirty Secret #2: Unsanitary Coffee Pot Cleaning Practices:

Kevin highlights another alarming aspect of in-flight coffee preparation – the unhygienic cleaning process of coffee pots by flight attendants.

He discloses that attendants are instructed to dump coffee pots into toilets rather than drains, raising concerns about potential contamination.

The unorthodox method of cleaning coffee pots, including dumping coffee into toilets, poses a significant sanitary issue that passengers may not be aware of, adding an extra layer of discomfort.

Dirty Secret #3: Potential Contamination from Toilet Splashback:

Expanding on the unhygienic cleaning practices, Kevin expresses concern about the proximity flight attendants have to toilets while dumping coffee.

He suggests that the process may lead to particles and bacteria splashback, contaminating the coffee pots and, subsequently, the coffee maker.

Kevin’s insight into potential contamination through toilet splashback highlights a disturbing aspect of in-flight coffee preparation, raising questions about overall cleanliness standards.


In his closing remarks, Kevin advises passengers to avoid drip coffee on flights unless the airline utilizes a Nespresso maker, providing a potential alternative for those who still desire a cup of coffee during their journey.

The cautious recommendation underscores the importance of passenger awareness regarding the cleanliness of in-flight beverage preparation, urging airlines to revisit their practices for the well-being of travelers.
