Fitness influencer’s attempt to pay for stranger’s food shop backfires

Fitness influencer’s attempt to pay for stranger’s food shop backfires

…By Jack Sylva for TDPel Media. Amelia Goldsmith, a fitness influencer from London, attempted to pay for a stranger’s food shop in a bid to help people in the midst of the cost-of-living crisis.

However, the challenge did not go as smoothly as she had hoped.

Amelia queued behind shoppers in Sainsbury’s and approached the first man in line, asking if she could pay for his shopping.

He turned down her offer, as did another shopper.

Amelia eventually bought a basket of pasta and sauces to donate to a food bank.

The fitness influencer felt nervous when the first shopper turned down her offer
The fitness influencer felt nervous when the first shopper turned down her offer

Amelia’s intentions were purely to brighten up someone’s day, but the challenge proved to be stressful for her.

She felt embarrassed and judged when people turned down her offer, and she broke down in tears after leaving the shop.


Some viewers suggested that the camera might have put people off and suggested that Amelia should volunteer in shelters instead of recording her good deeds.

Analysis and commentaries

Amelia’s attempt to pay for someone’s food shop highlights the challenges of doing a good deed in public.

The social pressure of bringing attention to oneself can be stressful and intimidating, particularly for those who are uncomfortable in social situations.

She decided to buy a basket full of pasta and sauces to donate them in a food bank
She decided to buy a basket full of pasta and sauces to donate them in a food bank

In addition, Amelia’s challenge reflects the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, which has made it difficult for many people to make ends meet.

The rejection of her offer by the shoppers she approached underscores the stigma associated with accepting help, particularly from strangers.

While Amelia’s challenge did not go as planned, her decision to donate pasta and sauces to a food bank is a positive outcome.

Amelia admitted thinking the first person would be overjoyed when she offered
Amelia admitted thinking the first person would be overjoyed when she offered

Her willingness to help others in need is commendable, and her actions demonstrate the power of small acts of kindness.


However, as some viewers pointed out, the camera may have detracted from the sincerity of her gesture.

Recording good deeds can come across as self-promotion and may make recipients feel uncomfortable or even resentful.

The fitness guru was told by viewers to put the camera away and volunteered in shelters
The fitness guru was told by viewers to put the camera away and volunteered in shelters

Overall, Amelia’s experience highlights the challenges and rewards of doing good deeds in public.

While it can be stressful and intimidating, helping others can also be a powerful way to make a difference in the world.

It is important to approach good deeds with sincerity and sensitivity, and to respect the privacy and dignity of those who may be in need.


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