Family Condemns Medical Care Following Fatal Blood Clot Post-Contraption Pill Use

Family Condemns Medical Care Following Fatal Blood Clot Post-Contraption Pill Use

Tragic Teen’s Medical Ordeal

Layla Khan, a 16-year-old from Immingham, Lincolnshire, tragically passed away after experiencing complications linked to a blood clot on her brain.

Weeks earlier, she began taking a contraceptive pill, advised by friends to alleviate severe menstrual pains.

Family’s Critique of NHS Care

Despite Layla’s deteriorating health, her family’s attempts to seek medical attention faced hurdles.

They contacted the NHS helpline, 111, and received advice to await a check-up the following morning, despite Layla’s worsening symptoms.

Challenges in Seeking Medical Help

As Layla’s condition worsened, her family sought further medical assistance. They encountered challenges securing prompt care, facing difficulty in obtaining an emergency doctor’s appointment and enduring a prolonged wait at Grimsby Hospital’s A&E department.

Critical Diagnosis and Delayed Intervention

Throughout Layla’s ordeal, medical professionals initially speculated it might be a stomach bug or infection. However, as her symptoms escalated, including seizures and loss of consciousness, she underwent a CT scan revealing a blood clot in her brain.

Concerns Surrounding Medication and Oversight

Layla had recently commenced the contraceptive pill Rigevidon, known to have rare side effects like blood clots.

Her family believes this medication might have contributed to her condition, prompting concerns over the medical oversight.

Family’s Discontent and NHS Response

Layla’s family expressed discontent with the NHS care, feeling that prompter intervention might have altered the tragic outcome.

They believe healthcare professionals should have recognized potential risks associated with the contraceptive pill earlier.

NHS Statement and Ongoing Investigation

Kate Wood, Group Chief Medical Officer of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, extended condolences to Layla’s family and confirmed ongoing investigations with external agencies, aiming to further probe the circumstances surrounding Layla’s tragic passing.

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