Everything about your cleaning habits and your mental health

It’s been shown that keeping your home clean and tidy can improve your mental health and reduce stress, but there are also other benefits.

If you’re looking for a way to take care of yourself, give cleaning a try! You might be surprised by how much better you feel just from having a clean home. Cleaning can be relaxing and meditative, which can help reduce anxiety or depression feelings in some people.

Clutter causes loss of focus

Clutter can be distracting or cause feelings of disorganization and disorder, both signs of stress. If you see that your home is getting cluttered, it’s time to find a way to manage the mess before it gets out of hand.

If you work from home or have an office space in your house, keeping things organized will help you stay focused on work tasks instead of worrying about what needs tidying up.

Messes are known to trigger anxiety in some people

Messes are known to trigger anxiety in some people. Messy spaces can cause stress, particularly if you’re the one who’s supposed to be keeping things organized at home. If your house is messy and your partner or roommate always seems to leave their stuff everywhere, that’s going to annoy you—and it may even make you feel like they don’t respect you or care about the environment (or both).

Messes can also be a sign of laziness or lack of organization, which is something we all want to avoid being labeled with as we go through life. It’s hard enough trying not to be labeled as lazy; why would anyone want their lifestyle choices associated with laziness? Being disorganized may seem like something trivial when compared with depression or other mental illnesses, but it will definitely affect how others see us!

It reduces allergies and asthma symptoms

 Dust mites love dirty carpets and bedding because they’re warm and humid environments that provide excellent breeding grounds for these tiny bugs that cause allergy symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. By vacuuming frequently (once a week) and using an air purifier that traps dust mites, you can reduce these symptoms significantly.

Cleansing as a form of meditation

Cleaning and organizing your home can serve as a meditation-like activity to calm the mind. The act of cleaning can help you feel more in control, which is important when you’re dealing with stressors. It also helps you focus on something other than those stressors, which can be helpful if you’re prone to ruminating on them. And finally, it can help you feel better about yourself simply by helping organize your life and make it easier for you to get things done (which will also improve your self-esteem).

Nice smells will trigger good emotions

Humans are hardwired to be attracted to certain smells, and there’s a big difference between how we react to them.

For example, you may associate the smell of fresh cut grass with summertime fun or freshly baked bread with home-cooked meals. These positive associations can make us feel happy when we are exposed to these scents. In contrast, some smells such as those from cleaning products or cigarette smoke invoke negative emotions because of our negative experiences associated with them.

Cleaning keeps us active

We all know how important physical activity is for our bodies, but did you know it’s just as important for our minds? Regular exercise is known to improve brain function, as well as boost energy levels and moods throughout the day.

Cleaning is a low-impact exercise that works your muscles without putting pressure on joints. It’s also a great way to get some exercise when you’re working from home or when the weather outside is cold and miserable.

Cleaning gives you a sense of accomplishment

 It’s nice when everything looks tidy and organized — especially after months or years of neglect! Even though many people think housework is tedious, there’s something satisfying about seeing everything neat again.

It helps prevent illness 

Germs spread quickly when surfaces aren’t properly cleaned, especially in public places such as schools or restaurants where kids are constantly touching things and putting their hands in their mouths without washing them first (or at all). By keeping surfaces clean at home and work, you’re helping prevent illnesses from spreading from one person to another. 

Cleaning makes you feel more productive

It can be frustrating to spend hours on tasks and still not feel like you’ve accomplished anything. You end up feeling guilty and worthless, which has a negative impact on your mental health. Cleaning your home can help you feel accomplished because it’s a simple activity that yields results quickly.

Cleaning as therapy

We all need a little bit of therapy in our lives. When you were a child, did your mother ever tell you to go clean up your room? Probably yes! But that’s because she knew that the act of cleaning would help relieve stress and make you feel better about yourself. Yet, precisely because of too much mess and dirt, people want to give up cleaning, which leads them to feel bad. In that case, it is best to hire professional house cleaning in Melbourne, and then maintain order and cleanliness. This will help you collect your thoughts and regain focus on your surroundings.

Impact on self-confidence

Cleaning up after yourself helps you feel less guilty about past mistakes or poor choices. That’s because when you’re tidying up, it feels like you’re making things better. You see the results immediately (which can be especially satisfying if you’ve been procrastinating). And those results give you confidence moving forward — because now you know that if there’s something unpleasant lying around the house, it won’t take long for you to deal with it.

It improves sleep quality

Research shows that people who engage in physical activity such as gardening or cleaning have better sleep quality than those who don’t exercise regularly — partly because exercise causes changes in brain chemistry that promote sleepiness.

It makes you feel more in control

Cleaning gives you a sense of control over your environment and your life, which can have a positive effect on your mood. If you have kids or pets or messy roommates, this can be especially true when you’re tidying up after them. You can feel like their mess is your fault — but when you finally get around to cleaning up and getting rid of all that clutter, it can give you a sense of accomplishment. And even if they aren’t contributing to the mess, taking control over your environment may make you feel happier just as much as if they were making things messy in the first place!

If you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health, clean up after yourself. It’s worth it! Your brain will thank you by helping you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your space.

Wellness and Fitness