Eco-Activists and Pro-Palestine Groups Join Forces, Briefly Shut Down British Museum

Eco-Activists and Pro-Palestine Groups Join Forces, Briefly Shut Down British Museum

Hundreds of eco-zealists and pro-Palestine activists joined forces today to target the British Museum in London.

The newly formed alliance, “Energy Embargo for Palestine,” aimed to disrupt the museum’s operations in protest of its ongoing sponsorship deal with British Petroleum (BP).

Museum Briefly Evacuated

The protest, which began around 2:15 pm, resulted in the temporary closure of both entrances to the museum.

While initial reports suggested a full evacuation, it appears patrons already inside were eventually allowed to remain.

Museum officials are hopeful for a reopening later this afternoon.

Protest Details and Demands

Demonstrators gathered at the main entrance, chanting slogans and holding banners criticizing BP’s activities in the Gaza Strip.

Their central demand was for the museum to sever ties with the oil giant.

Planning and Logistics Revealed

Leaked documents obtained by MailOnline shed light on the meticulous planning behind the protest.

Organizers instructed participants to arrive by a specific time to avoid missing entry due to potential museum closures.

They also advised protestors on communication protocols with police and legal representation options.

A History of Activism

This is not the first time Energy Embargo for Palestine has targeted the British Museum.

In February, a similar protest urged museum executives to end their partnership with BP.

Renewed BP Sponsorship Deal Sparks Controversy

The British Museum’s decision to extend its sponsorship agreement with BP for another decade, valued at £50 million, has drawn criticism from various groups.

Opponents argue that the museum’s association with BP contradicts its commitment to ethical practices.

The Situation Unfolds

The Metropolitan Police and the British Museum were aware of the planned protest beforehand.

As the demonstration continues, it remains to be seen how museum officials will respond to the activists’ demands.

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