Dubai Customs resolves 390 IP disputes, recycles counterfeit goods for 221 brands in 2021

Dubai Customs resolves 390 IP disputes, recycles counterfeit goods for 221 brands in 2021
DUBAI, 9th February, 2022 – Dubai Customs, represented by the Intellectual Property Department, resolved 390 IPR disputes including 14,788 million counterfeit items in 2021.

The department also recycled 2.

112 million counterfeit items for 221 brands and registered 437 new trademarks and 189 trade agencies last year.

To raise awareness around the importance of intellectual property rights, the IPR Department organised eight community awareness activities and 11 events for schools and universities and organised 10 workshops on combating counterfeiting in cooperation with trademark owners.

Yousef Ozair Mubarak, Director of IPR Department, said, “We are continuously developing our skills and performance to combat counterfeit goods and prevent their entry into our local market with the help and cooperation of our strategic partners.

“At the same time, we are actively raising awareness around protecting and preserving intellectual property rights.

Towards this end, we organise lectures targeting all social segments and target customs inspectors with training workshops to help them gain more hands-on experience on recognising genuine products from fake ones.

Combating counterfeiting will help protect the society from the hazards of counterfeit goods and attract more investments into the country.

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