Dr.BONI KHALWALE meets ODM leaders – Is he planning to dump DP RUTO for RAILA ODINGA’s AZIMIO?

Dr.BONI KHALWALE meets ODM leaders – Is he planning to dump DP RUTO for RAILA ODINGA’s AZIMIO?

Monday, January 31, 2022 – Former Kakamega County Senator, Dr. Boni Khalalwe, is among the candidates vying for the Kakamega gubernatorial seat.
Khalwale, who is vying on the United Democratic Alliance(UDA), together with Senator Cleophas Malala, who is vying on the Amani National Congress(ANC) party ticket, are the two horses contesting for the Kakamega governor’s seat.
On Monday, Khalwale received a huge boost after Kakamega County Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders visited his office and endorsed his bid
The ODM leaders said they will support Khalwale because he is calm and composed, unlike Malala who is rambunctious and full of himself.

This is a big boost to Khalwale as the support of ODM and the UDA party will easily see him sail through to be the next Kakamega governor.
This is also a big blow to Senator Malala since, without ODM support, in Kakamega County, he will go nowhere in August.

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