Domestic Violence: Many South Africans says it’s acceptable to hit women in new StatsSA survey

One in every 25 South Africans believes that in some circumstances, men are justified in striking their female partners.
Percentage of respondents who say it’s acceptable for a man to beat a woman, IF…

  • She has sex with someone else: 4.1%
  • The woman neglects their children: 2.5%
  • She argues with the man: 1%
  • The woman goes out of the house without telling the man: 1.5%
  • Sex is refused by the woman: 0.8%
  • She wants to end the relationship: 0.4%
  • She refuses to give him money: 0.3%
  • The wrong food is cooked or a meal is burned: 0.3%

Despite the fact that the proportion of people who would justify gender-based violence (GBV) has decreased in recent polls performed by StatsSA, the number of people who would excuse GBV remains uncomfortably high.
Thousands of people aged 16 and up were asked a variety of questions as part of the poll. It asks them to consider eight scenarios in which men are most likely to strike a female spouse in a fit of rage.
Over 4% of those in the study said it WOULD be acceptable for a man to hit their wife/female partner if they were unfaithful, and had sexual intercourse with someone else.
A further 2.5% said a beating would be justified if a mother had neglected her children.
However, the categories only get worse from here.
The mere act of ‘arguing back’ with a male partner is a good enough reason for 1% of those surveyed to support physical violence. That number rises to 1.5%, in the scenario where a woman leaves the house ‘without telling the man’. Sadly, there’s also a fringe of civilians who seem to be gagging for any reason to excuse GBV…
The refusal of sex, a request to end the relationship, not giving her partner money, and the ridiculous principle of ‘cooking the wrong food or burning a meal’ can all be seen as a vindication for some to cause harm to women.

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