DA has spoken out against the R10 beating of a 7-year-old student with a pipe.

A teacher at Ottawa Primary School in Phoenix, north of Durban, has been accused of violently assaulting a seventh-grader, prompting calls for the instructor’s suspension from the Democratic Alliance(DA) in KwaZulu-Natal.

BRUISED STUDENT; ALSO SEE: Corporal punishment is common in South African schools and homes

The student, aged seven, suffered arm bruises. Doctor Imraan Keeka (seen)

Grandma claims the school asked students to bring R10 to school for whatever reason, which was confirmed by Imran Keeka, DA education spokesperson. The child’s family couldn’t pay the R10, so the teacher hit him over the head with a pipe.
Also, check out the investigation into the occurrence of corporal punishment at a Bethlehem school.

Keeka claims that MEC for Education Mbali Frazer has not taken a stand against physical punishment in schools, despite her claims that the occurrence, horrifying as it may be, is still prevalent across the province.
The use of corporal punishment is no longer permitted. “Every teacher should be aware of this,” says Keeka, citing Section 10 of the South African Schools Act.
No educator who has been lately found guilty of such activity has been disciplined by the KZN Department of Education (DoE). Even though we are aware that caning is still being used in some of the province’s educational institutions,” he continues.

Lesufi denies promoting physical punishment, as stated in the article “I didn’t say that,” which you should also read.

DA Urges Legislative Body to Intervene on Behalf of Educators
The district attorney has requested that the educator be placed on administrative leave while police and school officials investigate the situation.
Keeka has stated that they will be writing to the South African Council of Educators (SACE) to seek that they conduct their own investigation into the matter.
If the accused educator is proven responsible for the student’s abuse, “the book must be thrown at her.”

SEE ALSO: ConCourt verdict on physical punishment sparks debate in South Africa
No sanctions are handed down after horrendous incidences in KZN schools, and this is now the norm. In this scenario, the alleged victim and the accused aggressor are in the same physical location. “That’s just not acceptable,” he says.

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