Criminal Charges Arise as Husband Attempts Drastic Measure Amid Wife’s Terminal Illness

Criminal Charges Arise as Husband Attempts Drastic Measure Amid Wife’s Terminal Illness

In a distressing turn of events, DeWayne McCulla, a 45-year-old Utah man, now faces criminal charges for attempting to kill his terminally ill wife, Arenda Lee McCulla.

The incident, marked by a harrowing struggle, unfolded during Arenda’s hospice care as she battled breast cancer.

The criminal charges shed light on a tragic chapter in the couple’s life, raising questions about the motivations behind such a distressing act.

Charging and Admission of Guilt:

DeWayne McCulla stands accused of attempting to choke his wife, Arenda, in an apparent effort to “ease her suffering.”

Charging documents obtained by KSL reveal that the disturbing incident occurred in the presence of six family members.

McCulla had to be forcibly restrained, emphasizing the severity of the act.

Astonishingly, when questioned, McCulla admitted to the crime, expressing a willingness to repeat it, claiming it was an expression of love.

The admission of guilt and the unsettling nature of the crime introduce a complex layer to the legal proceedings.

The motivations behind such an act, purportedly driven by love, invite scrutiny into the psychological aspects of caregiving and the challenges faced by families dealing with terminal illnesses.

Circumstances Leading to the Incident:

Arenda Lee McCulla’s battle with breast cancer began in 2020 and took a devastating toll, spreading to her brain, neck, liver, and lungs.

Her son, Anthony Ryder, provided a poignant glimpse into the agonizing final days through a GoFundMe update.

The update detailed the trauma inflicted by radiation and chemotherapy, painting a stark picture of the cruelties of breast cancer.

The circumstances surrounding Arenda’s illness add a layer of tragedy to the narrative, illustrating the physical and emotional tolls of the prolonged battle with cancer.

The details shared by her son offer a raw and intimate perspective on the challenges faced by those grappling with terminal illnesses.

Arenda’s Life and Contributions:

Before her illness, Arenda was an active member of the community, described as an avid mountain biker and a dedicated volunteer at a youth rehabilitation center.

Originally from Binghampton, New York, she became an integral part of the Hurricane and La Verkin area in south Utah after moving there in 2005.

The couple, DeWayne and Arenda McCulla, exchanged vows in January 2020, according to Arenda’s Facebook page.

Arenda’s life story unfolds as a narrative of vitality and community engagement, emphasizing the contrast between her vibrant past and the challenging final chapters.

The community’s loss is palpable, and the details of her contributions serve as a poignant backdrop to the unfolding tragedy.

Grieving Son’s Reflections:

Anthony Ryder, Arenda’s son, penned an obituary paying tribute to his mother as his “first best friend.”

His heartfelt words captured the essence of their relationship and the profound impact Arenda had on the family.

Ryder acknowledged the trauma of witnessing his mother’s last moments and expressed love in a poignant farewell.

The son’s reflections provide a deeply personal account of the family’s grief, conveying the emotional turbulence surrounding Arenda’s passing.

The contrast between joyful memories and the traumatic final hours adds a layer of complexity to the family’s mourning process.


The criminal charges against DeWayne McCulla expose a deeply distressing incident within the context of a family grappling with the complexities of terminal illness.

As legal proceedings unfold, the tragic tale of Arenda Lee McCulla resonates as a profound exploration of love, loss, and the challenges posed by end-of-life care.

The ongoing legal process will likely delve into the motivations behind the alleged act and its broader societal implications.
