Tory Right-Wingers Challenge PM’s Rwanda Bill Amid Escalating Immigration Costs

Tory Right-Wingers Challenge PM’s Rwanda Bill Amid Escalating Immigration Costs

Government Admits Soaring Costs: Illegal Immigration Expenses Set to Quadruple

In a surprising admission today, the government acknowledged that the cost of illegal immigration could surge fourfold to £11 billion annually.

The revelation comes as Tory right-wingers intensify their call for Chancellor Rishi Sunak to strengthen the controversial ‘Safety of Rwanda Bill,’ introduced by the Prime Minister to circumvent legal challenges to migrant flights.

Legal Storm: Government’s ‘Safety of Rwanda Bill’ Faces Tory Backlash

The PM is currently facing challenges persuading MPs to support the proposed ‘Safety of Rwanda Bill,’ designed to bypass the Supreme Court’s obstruction of migrant flights. In an unusual move, the government released its legal advice on the bill, emphasizing an ‘exceptionally narrow route’ for Channel boat arrivals to appeal against deportation.

However, the legal panel, known as the ‘Star Chamber,’ criticized the bill as ‘partial and incomplete,’ heightening concerns among Tory right-wingers.

Tory Right-Wingers Challenge PM’s Rwanda Bill Amid Escalating Immigration Costs

Following a meeting of five blocs of Tory backbenchers, there is a growing consensus among right-wing MPs, including the European Research Group (ERG), that the government should reconsider the bill.

Mark Francois, the ERG chairman, expressed the view that the bill has too many shortcomings, suggesting the government should withdraw it and devise a revised version.

Cost Crisis: Government’s Admission on Illegal Immigration Expenses Sparks Controversy

The government’s legal advice, published to win over critics, revealed a potential surge in accommodation costs to £32 million per day by 2026 if illegal immigration remains unaddressed.

The ‘Star Chamber’ labeled the bill ‘partial and incomplete’ in its ten-page assessment, prompting calls for significant amendments.

Rwanda Bill Under Fire: Tory Right-Wingers Demand Revisions as Costs Surge

The mounting pressure from Tory right-wingers creates a challenging scenario for Chancellor Rishi Sunak ahead of the scheduled House of Commons vote on the bill.

The One Nation group of Tory moderates, concerned about the bill’s impact on human rights rules, is also deliberating its stance. As the government attempts to rally support, it faces resistance and demands for revisions from both ends of the Conservative spectrum.

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