J.D. Vance Emerges as Top Contender for Donald Trump’s Running Mate in Detroit Poll at Turning Point Action Event

J.D. Vance Emerges as Top Contender for Donald Trump’s Running Mate in Detroit Poll at Turning Point Action Event

Senator J.D. Vance has solidified his position as the leading candidate to become Donald Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

This development comes after a poll conducted at Turning Point Action’s People’s Congress in Detroit, where Vance emerged as the preferred choice among attendees.

The grassroots movement’s poll highlights Vance’s strong appeal to the Midwest voter base, a critical demographic for Trump’s campaign.

Poll Results and Analysis

The poll, conducted over three days at the Detroit event, surveyed 1,983 attendees, asking them to choose their favored vice-presidential candidate from a list including J.D. Vance, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, and Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Scott.

Vance received 43% of the votes, a significant lead over his competitors. Tim Scott came in second with 15.4%, followed by Marco Rubio at 7.7%, and Doug Burgum at 7%.

Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point Action, emphasized Vance’s clear victory, stating, “He has consistently been one of President Trump’s most capable and articulate defenders and surrogates and he speaks right to the Midwest Americans who attended our Detroit conference.”

Kirk’s remarks underscore Vance’s resonance with the critical “blue wall” voters essential for reclaiming the White House.

Vance’s Background and Appeal

J.D. Vance’s rise to prominence began with his 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” which provided a deep look into the struggles of Appalachia and offered insights into the socio-economic factors driving Trump’s popularity.

Since his election to the Senate, Vance has become one of Trump’s most vocal supporters. His relationship with Donald Trump Jr. has further solidified his standing within Trump’s inner circle.

At the Detroit event, Vance was asked what qualities a vice president should possess to advance Trump’s agenda.

He responded with a focus on loyalty, stating, “We need to have people who are supporting Trump, not trying to stab him in the back. It’s very, very simple.”

Turning Point Action’s Influence

Turning Point Action, under Charlie Kirk’s leadership, has become a powerful force within the MAGA movement, significantly influencing GOP politics.

The organization’s poll not only gauged support for potential vice-presidential candidates but also surveyed attendees on their views regarding Republican congressional leadership and policy issues.

Kirk has openly supported Vance’s candidacy for vice president, highlighting his youth, family background, military service, and popularity in the Rust Belt—a region crucial for Trump’s success.

“He is an incredibly popular, successful politician from the region of the world where Donald Trump needs to win, which is the Rust Belt,” Kirk stated.

The Path Ahead

While Vance currently leads the race, Trump is known for his unpredictable decision-making process. Insiders report that Trump has narrowed his choices to Vance, Scott, Rubio, and Burgum but may introduce unexpected contenders.

For instance, during a recent event in Detroit, Trump mentioned Florida Representative Byron Donalds as a potential candidate, adding another layer of speculation to the selection process.


As the 2024 election approaches, the selection of a running mate will be a critical decision for Donald Trump. The recent poll at Turning Point Action’s event in Detroit indicates strong grassroots support for J.D. Vance, reflecting his appeal to a key voter demographic.

With Trump’s decision-making still in flux, the coming weeks will be crucial in determining who will join him on the ticket.

The influence of Turning Point Action and the preferences of its members highlight the importance of grassroots movements in shaping the future of the GOP.

TDPel Media

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